
Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion

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Kulturvitenskap på UiB


Telephone: (+47) 55 58 23 00
E-mail: post@ahkr.uib.no

Office address: Øysteinsgate 3
Address: Postboks 7805, 5020 BERGEN, Norway

Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour

The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion – AHKR – was established on 1st August 2007 as a result of restructuring at the Faculty of Humanities, uniting four highly profiled, well established and related disciplines. The Department aims to maintain and strengthen these academic identities, and create a basis for innovative interdisciplinary research and teaching. Seven cross-disciplinary research groups have been established at the department, and a wide range of studies and courses are taught.


Zoroastrian Studies
Bilde av stduentene fra 2019

Summer Course in Zoroastrian Studies

For the fourth time, the University of Bergen and SOAS in London offer a summer course in Zoroastrianism. This year, in 2024, it will take place at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London (calendar week 27, Monday July 1st to Friday July 5th ).