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Thermo Fisher Scientific 253 Plus IRMS, with Kiel IV carbonate preparation device
This state-of-the-art instrument is used for clumped isotope thermometry in carbonates. Measurements yield d18O, d13C, and d47, needed to calculate D47 (excess abundance of doubly substituted carbonate, relative to stochastic). In FARLAB, we focus on minimizing sample size, important when using material like fossil foraminifera from marine sediment cores. The Kiel device allows automated individual processing of small (~100 µg) sample aliquots. A number of these are then averaged to obtain a temperature estimate. Aliquots can be splits of a bigger sample, or taken from individual samples (e.g., sediment layers).
Thermo Fisher Scientific 253 IRMS, with Kiel IV carbonate preparation device
This instrument is dedicated for d18O, d13C analyses of carbonates. The system has been optimized to run low mass carbonate samples, allowing us to obtain high-precision isotopic results from systems where sample size was previously considered a limiting factor. Examples include the ability to analyze individual specimens or chambers of foraminifera, generate continuous down core isotopic records in high-sedimentation rate or polar settings where carbonate is scarce, and resolve high temporal fidelity in systems such as otoliths, bivalves, or sclerosponges.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Delta V plus continuous flow system
The Delta V plus is coupled to 1) a Gasbench II, on-line preparation and introduction system for d18O of water samples, d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon in water and d13C and d18O in carbonates, 2) a Flash 1120 Elemental Analyzer for analyzing nitrogen and carbon isotopes in solids, and 3) a Trace GC for compound specific isotope ratio analysis of d13C or d15N in gasses.
Picarro L2130-i and L2140-i laser spectrometers with calibration unit, vaporizer and auto-sampler
These field/ship/flight-deployable systems provide simultaneous measurement of δ18O, δ17O, δD and 17O-excess in liquids and vapor. The main purpose of the system is to provide high precision seawater isotope results in near real time during scientific expeditions. This allows the sampling strategy to be dynamically and continuously optimized to achieve the best possible results in process studies of water mass mixing, sea-ice, and identification of fresh water sources. Contact us about the possibility to deploy this instrument on an upcoming expedition.
In addition to the instruments outlined above, we also have a dedicated sample preparation laboratory (which includes micro-balances, picking stations with microscopes, ultra-sonic baths, ovens, fume hoods etc.) as well as a vacuum extraction line for the preparation and purification of gas samples.