Faculty of Law

News archive for Faculty of Law

Professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen skriver i en kommentar på Rett24 at forholdet mellom EØS-avtalen, EFTA-konvensjonen og avtalene med Storbritannia er et problemkompleks som krever større oppmerksomhet enn det hittil har fått.
Førsteamanuensis Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka er oppnevnt av Samferdselsdepartementet til utvalget som skal komme med en anbefaling om hva som bør være norsk postpolitikk i årene fremover.
The Master of Laws programme in EU and EEA Law at the University of Bergen is unique and first of its kind in the world. It provides you with indepth and comprehensive knowledge of both institutional and substantive aspects of EU and EEA law.
Researchers come to Bergen from all over the world to solve global challenges. Simon Øverland has invited some of them to tell us about some solutions for the future.
Welcome to the digital and free SDG Conference in Bergen 2024! The theme is Take a look at the programme and register today.
On Thursday, November 14, Torhild presented the foundation of her work related to the transportation of hydrogen by ships at the Athens Conference of EU Energy Law and Policy
PhD Candidate Andreas Hösli will complete his PhD project on Corporate Climate Responsibility at UiB this december.
Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui enjoy combining research with teaching and dissemination, and studies how new technologies raise novel legal issues.
Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui will guide and assist EU memberstates with his legal expertise to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy occurs in a fair manner.
Professor Berte-Elen Reinersten Konow has contributed to investigating the need for screening economic activity against businesses that are not subject to the security law (NOU 2023:28).
The research group organized Bergen Energy and Climate Law Days 2023 from the 23rd to the 24th of October.
Did you miss Thomas Herzfelder Hansens presentation investigating the impact on engineering, manufacturing, commissioning, and farm-farm interaction due to the ongoing race for bigger turbines? Watch it here!
The research group for Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law at the University of Bergen invited to the fourth Norwegian legal historians' day on Friday 17 November 2023 in Bergen.
Is there such a thing as a Nordic legal culture or is this narrative just a myth? How can the concept of a Nordic legal culture be used as an analytical lens?
Marius Mikkel Kjølstad has prepared an overview of preserved legal lectures from the 19th century.
The research group would like to congratulate three of its members as new members of the European Law Institute.
The Faculty of Law at UiB and Offshore Norge have entered into a knowledge collaboration to investigate the legal and economic framework for decommissioning in the petroleum industry.
Eirik Finserås was interviewed by Energi og Klima after the publication of the article "Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps."
