Faculty of Medicine

Requirements for admission

All applicanta must submit documents showing their education, adequate funding, project plan and plan for the training component. In addition, the applicant must have a supervisor employed at the Faculty of Medicine

Main content

All PhD candidates who have their workplace at the Faculty of Medicine, who have a main supervisor at the Faculty of Medicine, should apply for admission to our PhD programme. Applications should be sent as soon as possible and no later thant three months after project start. 

Educational background

The PhD program at the Faculty of Medicine is based on five-year Norwegian master education, degree in medicine., cand.psychol, or equivalent education or other qualifications as approved by the Faculty.

Applicants with foreign qualifications must submit an evaluation of their education from NOKUT, as well as diplomas and transcripts in the original language and English or Scandinavian. The requirement for a NOKUT evaluation does not apply to medical doctors from the EEA area who have obtained a licence to practice medicine in Norway. 

English Language Requirements

Applicants from abroad or with an educational background from abroad must document their English language proficiency in accordance with the Faculty's requirements.


Applicants must submit documentation of satisfactory funding for the entire PhD period, both for subsistence and research expenses. At least 50% of working time should be set aside for the PhD project, courses and other research training related activities.

Available university fellowships are announced regularly and advertised in the press and under Vacancies at UiB's website.

Project description

The project description should describe the topic, issues and choice of theory and method. The description shall indicate the schedule for the various parts of the research project, and include suggestions for at least two supervisors.

For applicants with funding from the Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian Research Council or a similar funding agency where the project has been scientifically evaluated, the same project description should be attached for admission to doctoral education.

Training component

In the application a preliminary training component must be filled out. Here the candidate and the supervisor together set up a plan for how the 30 credits in the training component will be achieved. For many candidates, the final training component will be different from the preliminary training component. For more information about what the training component should include, please see this information page about the training component.


All candidates should have two supervisors appointed on admission. Please note that impartiality rules in The Public Administration Act also applies to supervisers. This means that one can not be the supervisor of their own parents, children or siblings. The supervisors themeselves can not be married to each other or be siblings or have a parent/child relation.  

The decision on admission is based on an overall assessment of the project description, the applicant's formal qualifications, access to sufficient resources for implementation and the submitted plan for research training.