Research groups
Our research group tries to understand how stress leads to cell death and which mechanisms the cells have to protect themselves and surrounding cells. We use zebrafish as an in vivo model to study signals that lead to cell death and protection. Zebrafish have become a very popular model for human diseases. The zebrafish's development and organs are similar to ours, and disease-related human genes are also found as functional genes in zebrafish.
Førde JL, Alhourani A, Carey T, Arbab A, Fladmark KE, Skrede S, Mollnes TE, Herfindal L, Hagland HR. Impact of the Graphene Production Methods Sonication and Microfluidization on In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity, Macrophage Response, and Complement Activation. ACS Omega. 2024 Sep 18;9(39):40468-40476. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.4c03189.
Roodveldt, Bernardino, Oztop-Cakmak, Dragic , Fladmark, Ertan, Busra, Pita, Ciglar, Garraux, Williams-Gray, Pacheco, Romero-Ramos (2024) The immune system in Parkinson's disease: what we know so far. BRAIN doi: 10.1093.
Saponjic, Mejías, Nikolovski, Dragic, Canak, Papoutsopoulou, Gursoy-Ozdemir, Fladmark, Ntavaroukas, Muluk, Jovanovic, Comi, Marino (2024) Experimental models to study immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14;25(8):4330.doi: 10.3390/ijms25084330
Chavali, L. N. M., Yddal, I., Bifulco, E., Mannsaker, S., Roise, D., Law, J. O., . . . Fladmark, K. E. (2023). Progressive Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms in Park7 Knockout Zebrafish. Int J Mol Sci, 24(7). doi:10.3390/ijms24076456.
Førde J-L, Reiten IN, Fladmark KE, Kittang AO, Herfindal L A (2022) New Software Tool for Computer Assisted In Vivo High-Content Analysis of Transplanted Fluorescent Cells in intact Zebrafish Larvae Biology Open Nov. 10.1242/bio.059530
Gharbi, N., Røise, D., Førre, J. E., Edson, A. J., Hushagen, H. A., Tronci, V., . . . Fladmark, K. E. (2021). Reintroduction of DJ-1 in Müller Cells Inhibits Retinal Degeneration in the DJ-1 Deficient Retina. Antioxidants (Basel), 10(12). doi:10.3390/antiox10121862
Dysregulation in the brain protein profile of zebrafish lacking the Parkinson’s disease related protein DJ-1. Edson, A.J., Hushagen, H.A., Frøyset, AK., Elda, I., Khan, E.A., Di Stefano, A., Fladmark, K.E. (2019) Mol. Neurobiol. DOI: 10.1007/s12035-019-01667-w
Astroglial DJ-1 over-expression up-regulates proteins involved in redox regulation and is neuroprotective in vivo. Frøyset AK Edson AJ, Gharbi N, Khan EA, Dondorp D, Bai Q, Tiraboschi E, Suster ML, Connolly JB, Burton EA, and Fladmark KE. (2018) Redox Biol. 16:237-247.
Quantitative proteomics analysis of zebrafish exposed to sub-lethal dosages of BMAA. Frøyset AK, Khan EA, Fladmark KE (2016) Sci Reports 6:29631.
Redox control of protein degradation. Pajares M, Jimineze-Moreno N, Dias I, Debelec B, Vucetic M, Fladmark KE, Basaga H, Ribaric S, Milisav I, Cuadrado A (2015) RedOx Biology 6:409-20.
Current projects:
Regulering og funksjon til astrocytt DJ-1 i en dyremodell av Parkinsons sykdom. Rebergs Legat til forskning av Parkinsons sykdom (2021-26)
CetoPlus- Effekt av inntak av ketolinsyre i en dyremodell for Alzheimers sykdom (CetoPlus). FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (2024-26)
Omega3Up- Comparison of uptake of EPA/DHA from salmon oil with other marine oils (Omega3Up). FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (2024-26)
ImmuParkNet. The role of IMMUnity in tackling PARKinson’s disease through a Translational NETwork. EU-COST CA21117 (2023-26)