Thomas Solomon


Professor, Musicology


Research groups



History and theory of ethnomusicology

Popular Music Studies

Turkish popular musics

Rap music and hip-hop youth culture

Music and place

Music and diaspora


Indigenous music of the Bolivian Andes




Courses in the MA program in ethnomusicology and musicology

BA course "Music in World Cultures"

BA course "Popular Music Studies"

BA course "Musikk, kultur og samfunn"

Program coordinator for MA in ethnomusicology and musicology


Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Book review
Academic literature review
Academic article
Short communication
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Encyclopedia article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Books edited:

2011. Music and Identity in Norway and Beyond: Essays Commemorating Edvard Grieg the Humanist. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 

2012. (co-edited with Sylvia Nannyonga-Tamusuza). Ethnomusicology in East Africa: Perspectives from Uganda and Beyond. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 

Journal articles and book chapters (reverse chronological order):

2021. "Made in Almanya: The Birth of Turkish Rap." In Made in Germany: Studies in Popular Music, ed. Oliver Seibt, Martin Ringsmut, and David-Emil Wickstršm, 111-121. New York: Routledge. 

2020. "Dancing the Landscape: Music, Place, Collective Memory, and Identity in a Highland Bolivia Pilgrimage." In Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity, ed. Britta Sweers and Sarah M. Ross, 123-144. Sheffield: Equinox. 

2018. "Azerbaijani Rap Music and Oral Poetry Between 'the Folk' and 'the Popular.'" In Turkic Soundscapes: From Shamanic Voices to Hip-Hop, ed. Razia Sultanova and Megan Rancier, 77-99. London: Routledge. 

2017. "'His Bird Doesn't Stand Up': Gendered Dimensions of Music Censorship in Turkey." In Researching Music Censorship, ed. Annemette Kirkegaard, Helmi Järviluoma, Jan Sverre Knudsen and Jonas Otterbeck, 138-159. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

2017. "Who Are the Laz? Cultural Identity and the Musical Public Sphere on the Turkish Black Sea Coast." The World of Music (new series) 6(2):83-113. 

2016. "'The Land of our Origin': Music and History in the Norway-Azerbaijan Connection." Yearbook for Traditional Music 48:115-135. (Link will only work from computers inside the network of an institution that subscribes to JSTOR.) 

2016. "The Play of Colors: Staging Multiculturalism in Norway." Danish Musicology Online, Special Edition - 17th Nordic Musicological Congress, pp. 187-201.

2015. "Theorizing Diaspora and Music." Urban People 17(2):201-219.

2015. "Self-censorship as Critique: The Case of Turkish Rapper Sagopa Kajmer." Danish Musicology Online, special issue "Researching Music Censorship," pp. 37-53.

2015. "Theorising Diaspora, Hybridity and Music." In African Musics in Context: Institutions, Culture, Identity, ed. Thomas Solomon, 319-360. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.

2014. "Music and Race in American Cartoons: Multimedia, Subject Position, and the Racial Imagination." In Music and Minorities from Around the World: Research, Documentation and Interdisciplinary Study, ed. Ursula Hemetek, Essica Marks and Adelaida Reyes, 142-166. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2014. "Performing Indigeneity: Poetics and Politics of Music Festivals in Highland Bolivia." In Soundscapes from the Americas: Ethnomusicological Essays on the Power, Poetics, and Ontology of Performance, ed. Donna A. Buchanan, 143-163. Farnham: Ashgate. 

2013. "The Oriental Body on the European Stage: Producing Turkish Cultural Identity on the Margins of Europe." In Empire of Song: Europe and Nation in the Eurovision Song Contest, ed. Dafni Tragaki, 173-201. Lanham: Scarecrow Press. 

2013. "Ayben: 'The Girl's Voice in Turkish Rap.'" In Women Singers in Global Contexts: Music, Biography, and Identity, ed. Ruth Hellier, 73-91. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

2012. "Theory and Method in Popular Music Analysis: Text and Meaning." Studia Musicologica Norvegica 38:86-108. 

2012. "Where is the Postcolonial in Ethnomusicology?" In Ethnomusicology in East Africa: Perspectives from Uganda and Beyond, ed. Sylvia Nannyonga-Tamusuza and Thomas Solomon, 216-251. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 

2011."Whose Diaspora?: Hybrid Identities in 'Turkish Rap' in Germany." In Music and Identity in Norway and Beyond: Essays Commemorating Edvard Grieg the Humanist, ed. Thomas Solomon, 253-267. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 

2011. "Hardcore Muslims: Islamic Themes in Turkish Rap between Diaspora and Homeland." In Muslim Rap, Halal Soaps, and Revolutionary Theater: Artistic Developments in the Muslim World, ed. Karin van Nieuwkerk, 27-54. Austin: University of Texas Press. [Revised version of 2006 article below.]

2010. "The Local and the Global in Turkish Rap Music: A View from Istanbul." Porte Akademik 1(1):242-252. 

2009. "Berlin-Frankfurt-Istanbul: Turkish Hip-Hop in Motion." European Journal of Cultural Studies 12(3):305-327. 

2008. "Music as Culture? Reflections on an Ethnomusicological Moment." Studia Musicologica Norvegica 34:68-90.

2008. "Diverse Diasporas: Multiple identities in 'Turkish Rap' in Germany." In Music from Turkey in the Diaspora, ed. Ursula Hemetek and Hande Sağlam, 77-88. Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie.

2008. "'Bu Vatan Bizim' ['This Land is Ours']: Nationalist Discourse in Turkish Rap Music." In Freedom and Prejudice: Approaches to Media and Culture, ed. Süheyla Kırca Schroeder and LuEtt Hanson, 204-222. Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press.

2007. "Articulating the Historical Moment: Turkey, Europe, and Eurovision 2003." In A Song for Europe: Popular Music and Politics in the Eurovision Song Contest,ed. Ivan Raykoff and Robert Tobin, 135-145. Aldershot: Ashgate.

2006. "Hardcore Muslims: Islamic Themes in Turkish Rap in Diaspora and in the Homeland." Yearbook for Traditional Music 38:59-78.

2006. "Quechua." In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife. Volume 4: North and South America, ed. William M. Clements, 208-216. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

2006. "Dueling Landscapes: Singing Places and Identities in Highland Bolivia." In Ethnomusicology: A Contemporary Reader, ed. Jennifer Post, 311-327. London: Routledge. [Revised version of 2000 article below.]

2005. "'Listening to Istanbul': Imagining Place in Turkish Rap Music." Studia Musicologica Norvegica 31:46-67.

2005. "'Living Underground is Tough': Authenticity and Locality in the Hip-hop Community in Istanbul, Turkey." Popular Music 24(1):1-20. University Press.

2004. "Musikalske Konstruktioner af Sted og Identitet i Bolivias Højland" ["Musical Constructions of Place and Identity in Highland Bolivia"]. Jordens Folk 39(3):48-53.

2000. "Dueling Landscapes: Singing Places and Identities in Highland Bolivia." Ethnomusicology 44(2):257-280.

1995. "Creando Etnicidad por Medio de la Música en el Norte de Potosí." Anales de la Reunión Anual de Etnología 1993, Tomo II. La Paz, Bolivia: Museo Nacional de Etnología y Folklore, pp.47-76.

1994. "Coplas de Todos Santos in Cochabamba: Language, Music, and Performance in Bolivian Quechua Song Dueling." Journal of American Folklore 107(425):378-414.