
Genetics Group

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At a glance

The Genetics Group is comprised of several subgroups working in highly specialized areas of genetics. 

Our teams include international clinicians, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians and biostatisticans working together to resolve the multiple layers of complexity in our genetic code.

The group makes extensive use of the facilities provided by the Genomics Core Facility.

Research Infrastructure

The various subgroups working in genetics have collaborators both on a national and international scale. For further information about the activites of each subgroups, visit the following links: 





PhD candidate Martens Group

Priyanthi Borgen Gjerde defends her PhD

The Martens Group is very proud on behalf of Priyanthi's successful defence of her PhD thesis entitled “Lipid effects during antipsychotic drug treatment and their relevance for clinical outcomes.”...

PhD candidate Martens Group

Niladri Banerjee defends his PhD

The Martens Group is proud to announce Niladri's successful defence of his PhD thesis entitled "An evolutionary epigenetics approach to schizophrenia." Niladri received main supervision by Stéphanie Le Hellard (UiB) and co-supervision by Timothy Hughes, (UiO), and Tatiana Polushina (UiB).