Single-cell RNA sequencing: A modern microscope - Horisontforedrag av Rickard Sandberg
The lecture will exemplify new insights from recent advances in molecular analyses of individual cells, transforming modern biology and medicine.

The lecture (held in english)
Recent advances in molecular analyses of individual cells are transforming modern biology and medicine. In a high-throughput and cost-effective manner, cells of any organ or tissue can nowadays be subjected to detailed molecular characterization that will identify the activity levels of genes within each cell. The molecular profiles of cells enables researchers to group cells into cell types and further characterize their activity states or identify novel sub-types. Single-cell RNA-sequencing is becoming the modern microscope where molecular insights into the unique activities of different cell types will be gained. It has now become realistic to identify all the cell types in various tissues (and even our whole body) and to map out how these cells are affected in pathological tissues. In this seminar I will describe the advances in our abilities to study gene activities in individual cells, and exemplify new insights in biology and medicine gained from such analyses, as well as discuss future developments and applications of this exciting technology.
Refreshments will be served before the lecture, which starts at 16.15 pm, on Thursday 10 of Novemberin Egget at Studentsenteret. Everybody is welcome!
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Rickard Sandberg
Professor Rickard Sandberg, ved Karolinska institutet, er en av pionerene som har ledet an i utvikling av teknologi for sekvensiering av DNA og RNA fra enkeltceller. Denne revolusjonerende teknologien gir oss data for alle gener som er aktive i celle for celle. Tidligere har vi måttet nøye oss med data basert på gjennomsnittet i mange celler. Enkeltcellesekvensiering gir mulighet for finere inndeling av ulike celleryper i vev og organer og f.eks. kreftsvulster. Men teknologien gir også innsikt i hvordan selve genavlesningsprosessen foregår. Enkeltcellesekvensiering ble i 2013 kåret til årets metode av "Nature Methods" og professor Sanberg er prisbelønnet for sitt pionerarbeid med, bl.a. Anders Jahres medisinske pris for yngre forskere i 2014.
Joint event
This lecture is a collaboration between the Horizons lecture series and the Department of Molecular Biology and is the inaugural Kjell Kleppe Lecture. A seminar in the honor of professor Kjell Kleppe will be held just before the Horizons lecture at 15.15 PM.