Member of the Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) management team
Research interests:
- Industrial Organization
- Vertical relations/ restraints
- Competition Policy
- Competition Economics
Publications in international journals:
"Merger control in retail markets with national pricing," The Journal of Law and Economics (accepted), with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Odd Rune Straume.
"National pricing with local quality competition," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2023, 32(1): 48-74, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Odd Rune Straume.
"Upward pricing pressure in two-sided markets: Incorporating rebalancing effects," International journal of industrial organization, 2021, 74, with Andreea Cosnita-Langlais and Lars Sørgard.
"Substitution Between Online Distribution Channels: Evidence from the Oslo Hotel Market," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2020, 69, with Arthur Cazaubiel, Morgane Cure, and Thibaud Vergé.
"Resale Price Maintenance in Two-Sided Markets," The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2018, 66(3): 570-609, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Teis L. Lømo.
"Resale price maintenance with secret contracts and retail service externalities," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2017, 9(1): 63-97, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen.
"The Economics of Retailing Formats: Competition Versus Bargaining," The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2016, 64(1): 109-134, with Tore Nilssen.
"Buyer Power and Exclusion in Vertically Related Markets," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2015, 38: 1-18, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen.
Publications in Norwegian:
"Fusjonskontrollen og avhjelpende tiltak under nasjonal og lokal prising," Samfunnsøkonomen, 2018, nr 1, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen.
Working papers:
"Substitution Between Online Distribution Channels: Evidence from the Oslo Hotel Market," Working Papers in Economics 08/18, University of Bergen, with Arthur Cazaubiel, Morgane Cure, and Thibaud Vergé.
When is Double Marginalization a Problem? Working Papers in Economics 07/18, University of Bergen, with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Greg Shaffer.
"Platform Price Parity Clauses with Direct Sales," [R&R American Economic Journal: Microeconomics] Working Papers in Economics 01/17, University of Bergen, with Thibaud Vergé.
"The Buyer Power of Multiproduct Retailers: Competition with One-Stop Shopping," Working Papers in Economics 03/12, University of Bergen.
"Private labels, Rent Shifting and Consumer Welfare," Working Papers in Economics 02/12, University of Bergen.
"Exclusivity and Bidding for Premium Broadcasting Rights," Working Papers in Economics 08/08, University of Bergen, with Eirik N. Christensen.
Work in progress:
"Exclusive Dealing and Relationship Specific Investments: Why the form of contracts matters," with Joao Montez.
"Upward Pricing Pressure in Two-Sided Markets: Incorporating Feedback Effects," with Andreea Cosnita-Langlais and Lars Sørgard.
"Category Captainship," with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Greg Shaffer.
"When Should Retailers Accept Slotting Allowances," with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Greg Shaffer.
"Minimum Resale Price Maintenance: A pro-competitive story"