Espen Bratberg


Emeriti, Professor


  • Trygdeøkonomi
  • Arbeidsmarkedsøkonomi
  • Mikroøkonometri
Vitenskapelig artikkel
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Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
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Populærvitenskapelig artikkel

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


Robert Manduca , Maximilian Hell, Adrian Adermon, Jo Blanden, Espen Bratberg, Anne Gielin, Hans van Kippersluis, Keun Bok Lee, Stephen Machin, Martin D. Munk, Martin Nybom, Yuri Ostrovsky, Sumaiya Rahman, and Outi Sirniö: Measuring Absolute Income Mobility: Lessons from North America and Europe. Accepted for publication in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Health effects of reduced workload for older employees. (With Tor Helge Holmås and Karin Monstad). Health Economics 29(5), 554-566, 2020,  

A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S. (With J Davies, M Nybom, B Mazumder, D Schnitzlein, K Vaage). Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(1), 72-101, 2017

Worried sick? Worker responses to a financial shock (with Karin Monstad). Labour Economics, 33, 111-120, 2015

Intergenerational correlation in disability benefits recipiency. Oxford Economic Papers, 67(2),  205-226. 2015 (with Øivind A Nilsen and Kjell Vaage)

Does paternity leave affect mothers' sickness absence? European Sociological Review,  30(4), 500-511,  2014 (with Ghazala Naz). doi: 10.1093/esr/jcu058

Intergenerational Earnings Mobility and Divorce. Journal of Population Economics, 27(4), 2014, 1107-1126 (with Karsten Rieck and Kjell Vaage). Online version:

Gender differences in disability after sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorders. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 12 (37), 2011, (With Sturla Gjesdal and John G Mæland)

Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112 (1), 163-183, 2010. (With Kjell G Salvanes and Kjell Vaage)

Musculoskeletal impairments in the Norwegian working population: the prognostic role of diagnoses and socioeconomic status. A prospective study of sickness absence and transition to disability pension. Spine, 34(14), 2009, 1519-1525. (With Sturla Gjesdal and John G Mæland.) 

Sickness absence with psychiatric diagnoses: Individual and contextual predictors of permanent disability. Health and Place, 15(1), 2009, 308-314. (With Sturla Gjesdal and John G Mæland.)   

Job losses and child outcomes. Labour Economics, 15, 2008, 591-603. (With Øivind A Nilsen and Kjell Vaage.)  

Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children. Journal of Population Economics, 21(2), 2008, 439-461. (With Sigve Tjøtta) 

Trends in intergenerational mobility across offspring's earnings distribution in Norway. Industrial Relations, 46(1), 2007, 112-129. (With Øivind A. Nilsen and Kjell Vaage.) 

Do voluntary international environmental agreements work? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 50(3), 2005, 583-597. (With Sigve Tjøtta and Torgeir Øines.) 

Intergenerational earnings mobility in Norway: Levels and trends. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(3), 2005, 419-435. (With Øivind A. Nilsen and Kjell Vaage.) 

Unemployment, labor force composition and sickness absence: A panel data study. Health Economics, 14(11), 2005, 1087-1101. (With Jan Erik Askildsen and Øivind Anti Nilsen.) 

A panel data study of physicians' labor supply: The case of Norway. Health Economics, 14 (10), 2005, 1035-1045. (With Badi H. Baltagi and Tor Helge Holmås.) 

Assessing the effects of an early retirement program. Journal of Population Economics, 17(3), 2004, 387 - 408. (With Tor Helge Holmås and Øystein Thøgersen.) 

Diagnosis and duration in sick-absence as predictors for disability pension. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 31(3), 2003, 246-254. (With Sturla Gjesdal.) 

The role of gender in long-term sickness absence and transition to permanent disability benefits. Results from a multiregister based, prospective study in Norway 1990-1995. European Journal of Public Health,  12(3), 2002, 180-186. (With Sturla Gjesdal.) 

'The double burden' - Do combinations of career and family obligations increase sickness absence among women? European Sociological Review, 18(2), 2002, 233-249. (With Svenn-Åge Dahl and Alf Erling Risa.) 

Evaluating social policy by experimental and nonexperimental methods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104 (1), 147-171, 2002. (With Astrid Grasdal and Alf Erling Risa.) 

Transitions from school to work: Search time and job duration. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 62, 2000, 909-929. (With Øivind Anti Nilsen.) 

Spell durations with long unemployment insurance periods. Labour Economics, 7 (2),  153-180, 2000. (With Kjell Vaage.) 

Disability retirement in a welfare state. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101(1), 1999, 97-114. 


Espen Bratberg, Karin Monstad, and Darina Steskal: Effect of dropout on labour market outcomes for upper secondary vocational track students Working Paper 06/22, Department of Economics