Academic article
Skorping, Arne; Mennerat, Adele
(2022). Hvorfor bør vi være mindre bekymret for utvikling av resistens mot vaksiner enn mot medikamenter?. (external link)
Alnes, Ingeborg Bjerkvik; Jensen, Knut Helge; Skorping, Arne
et al. (2021). Ontogenetic Change in Behavioral
Responses to Structural Enrichment
From Fry to Parr in Juvenile Atlantic
Salmon (Salmo salar L.). (external link)
Gabagambi, Nestory Peter; Skorping, Arne; Chacha, Mwita
et al. (2020). Life history shifts in an exploited African fish following invasion by a castrating parasite. (external link)
Gabagambi, Nestory Peter; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea; Midtøy, Frank
et al. (2019). The tapeworm Ligula intestinalis alters the behavior of the fish intermediate host Engraulicypris sardella, but only after it has become infective to the final host. (external link)
Gabagambi, Nestory Peter; Skorping, Arne
(2018). Spatial and temporal distribution of Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) in usipa (Engraulicypris sardella) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Nyasa. (external link)
Pistone, Dario; Lindgren, Marianne; Holmstad, Per Ragnvald
et al. (2018). The role of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) as intermediate hosts in the transmission of Hymenolepis microps (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from the willow ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus (Aves: Tetraonidae). (external link)
Ugelvik, Mathias Stølen; Skorping, Arne; Moberg, Olav
et al. (2017). Evolution of virulence under intensive farming: salmon lice increase skin lesions and reduce host growth in salmon farms. (external link)
Ugelvik, Mathias Stølen; Mo, Thor; Mennerat, Adele
et al. (2017). Atlantic salmon infected with salmon lice are more susceptible to new lice infections. (external link)
Ugelvik, Mathias Stølen; Skorping, Arne; Mennerat, Adele
(2017). Parasite fecundity decreases with increasing parasite load in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis infecting Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. (external link)
Mennerat, Adele; Ugelvik, Mathias Stølen; Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud
et al. (2017). Invest more and die faster: The life history of a parasite on intensive farms. (external link)
Skorping, Arne; Jensen, Knut Helge; Mennerat, Adele
et al. (2016). When to reproduce? A new answer to an old question. (external link)
Mennerat, Adele; Hamre, Lars Are; Ebert, Dieter
et al. (2012). Life history and virulence are linked in the ectoparasitic salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (external link)
Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Jensen, Knut Helge; Skorping, Arne
(2008). Ectoparasite intensities are correlated with endoparasite infection loads in willow ptarmigan. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, Arne
(2006). Is reduced body growth of cod exposed to the gill parasite Lernaeocera branchialis a cost of resistance?. (external link)
Skorping, Arne
(2006). Mélange á trois: hosts, parasites and combes. (external link)
Meirmans, Stephanie; Skorping, Arne; Løyning, Mass Kåre
et al. (2006). On the track of the Red Queen: bark beetles, their nematodes, local climate and geographic parthenogenesis. (external link)
Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Jensen, Knut Helge; Skorping, Arne
(2006). Vector-borne parasites decrease host mobility: A field test of freeze or flee behaviour of willow ptarmigan. (external link)
Jensen, Knut Helge; Little, Tom; Skorping, Arne
et al. (2006). Empirical support for optimal virulence in a castrating parasite. (external link)
Lysne, D.A.; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, A.
(2006). Is reduced body growth of cod exposed to the gill parasite Lernaeocera branchialis a cost of resistance?. (external link)
Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Hudson, Peter J; Vandvik, Vigdis
et al. (2005). Can parasites synchronise the population fluctuations of sympatric tetraonids? - examining some minimum conditions. (external link)
Holmstad, P.R.; Hudson, P.J.; Vandvik, Vigdis
et al. (2005). Can parasites synchronize the population fluctuations of sympatric tetraonids?. (external link)
Schei, Espen; Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Skorping, Arne
(2005). Seasonal infection patterns in Willow Grouse (Lagopus lagopus L.) do not support the presence of parasite-induced winter losses. (external link)
Holmstad, P.R.; Hudson, P.J.; Skorping, Arne
(2005). The influence of a parasite community on the dynamics of a host population: A longitudinal study on willow ptarmigan and their parasites. (external link)
Skorping, Arne; Jensen, Knut Helge
(2004). Disease dynamics: all caused by males?. (external link)
Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Holstad, Ø; Karbøl, G
et al. (2004). Parasite tags in ecological studies of terrestrial hosts: a study on ptarmigan (Lagopus spp.) dispersal. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2002). The parasite Lernaeocera branchialis on caged cod: infection pattern is caused by differences in host susceptibility. (external link)
Gemmill, A.W.; Skorping, Arne; Read, A.F.
(1999). Optimal timing of first reproduction in parasitic nematodes. (external link)
Lysne, D. A.; Skorping, A.; Hemmingsen, Willy
(1998). Transmission of Cryptocotyle lingua cercariae in natural environments: a field experiment. (external link)
Stéen, M.; Warsame, I.; Skorping, Arne
(1998). Experimental infection of reindeer, sheep and goats with Elaphostrongylus spp. (Nematoda, Protostrongylidae) from moose and reindeer. (external link)
Arneberg, P; Skorping, Arne; Read, A.F.
(1998). Parasite abundance, body size, life histories, and the energetic equivalence rule. (external link)
Holmstad, P.R.; Skorping, Arne
(1998). Covariation of parasite intensities of willow ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus L. (external link)
Arneberg, Per; Skorping, Arne; Read, Andrew
(1998). Parasite abundance, body size, life histories, and the energetic equivalence rule. (external link)
Arneberg, Per; Skorping, Arne; Grenfell, B.T.
et al. (1998). Host densities as determinants of abundance in parasite communities. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne; Hemmingsen, Willy
(1998). Transmission of Cryprocotyle lingua cercariae in natural environments: a field experiment. (external link)
Lysne, D.A.; Skorping, Arne; Hemmingsen, W.
(1998). Transmission of Cryptocotyle lingua cercariae in natural environments: a field experiment. (external link)
Arneberg, P.; Skorping, Arne; Grenfell, B.T.
et al. (1998). Host densities as determinants of abundance in parasite communities. (external link)
Skorping, Arne; Read, Andrew
(1998). Drugs and parasites: global experiments in life history evolution. (external link)
Skorping, Arne; Read, A. F.
(1998). Drugs and parasites: global experiments in life history evolution. (external link)
Skorping, Arne
(1998). Macroparasites as selective agents in birds. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, Arne
(1997). Regulation of infrapopulations of Cryptocotyle lingua on cod. (external link)
Steen, M.; Blackmore, C. G. M.; Skorping, A.
(1997). Cross-infection of moose (Alces alces) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) with Elaphostrongylus alces and Elaphostrongylus rangiferi (Nematoda, Protostrongylidae): Effects on Parasite Morphology and Prepatent Period. (external link)
Lysne, D. A.; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, A.
(1997). Regulation of Infrapopulations of Cryptocotyle lingua on Cod. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, Arne
(1995). Pepsin digestion reveals both previous and present infections of metacercariae in the skin of fish. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Hemmingsen, Willy; Skorping, Arne
(1994). The distribution of Cryptocotyle spp. metacercariae in the skin of caged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific article
Academic literature review
Masters thesis
Academic lecture
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2003). Do parasites influence reproductive effort in Atlantic cod?. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2003). Do parasites influence reproductive effort in Atlantic cod?. (external link)
Holmstad, Per Ragnvald; Vandvik, Vigdis; Skorping, Arne
(2003). Can parasites synchronise the population fluctuations of sympatric tetraonids? A test of some minimum requirements. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2002). Variation in infection levels in natural populations due to differences in host susceptibility. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2001). Variation in susceptibility and body growth between hosts identified by their infection history. (external link)
Lysne, Dag Atle; Skorping, Arne
(2000). Is reduced body growth of cod uninfected with the gill parasite L. branchialis a cost of resistance?. (external link)
Skorping, A.
(1997). Kovariasjon av parasitter hos rype. (external link)
Skorping, A.
(1997). The Effect of Parasites on Hosts Reproductive Strategies. (external link)
Skorping, A.
(1997). Parasitter og verters livshistorie. (external link)
Lysne, D. A.; Skorping, A.; Hemmingsen, Willy
(1997). Does Host Finding Behaviour of the Cryptocotyle Lingua Cenoariae Affect the Transmission in Natural Environments. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
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