Henning Laugerud
Professor, Art History/Visual Culture. Academic coordinator - Art History
Research groups
- Research Group Images of Knowledge
- Research group Antiquity and the Classical Tradition
- Research Group Literature & Religion
• Medieval and early modern.
• Theories of interpretation, Hermeneutics, visual-studies and rhetorical perspectivesm, memory-studies (mnemology).
• Art- and cultural-history, history of ideas, religious history. Some particular themes: The power of images and visual culture and the idea of “tradition” and visual culture, history of the gaze/sight and the understanding of the medieval sensorium. Counter-Reformation and Post-Reformation Chatolicism in Scandinavia.
Visiting Professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2021.
Visiting Fellow at the Maynooth University Arts and Humanities Institute. Maynooth University, Ireland, spring 2020.
Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Catholic Studies, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham, autumn 2016.
Founding member of the european research-network:
ENID - The European Network on the Instruments of Devotion: https://enid.w.uib.no/.
Member of the Center for Viking Age and Middle Ages, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark: https://cas.au.dk/en/center-for-viking-age-and-middle-ages/
Member of European Science Foundations "College of Reviewers".
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Laugerud, Henning; Kopania, Kamil; Sarnecka, Zuzanna (2025). The Living Image in the Middle Ages and Beyond Theoretical and Historical Approaches. (external link)
- Lohfert Jørgensen, Hans Henrik; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine; Laugerud, Henning (2023). Animation between Magic, Miracles, and Mechanics. Principles of Life in Medieval Imagery.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Hareide, Sigurd; Grøgaard, Anna Pauline (2023). Våre forfedres kirke. Tekster av, om og til Klosterlasse.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador; Kelly, James (2020). Northern European Reformations. Transnational Perspectives. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2016). The materiality of devotion in late medieval northern Europe. Images, objects and practices.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Lohfert Jørgensen, Hans Henrik; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2015). The Saturated Sensorium. Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador (2012). Devotional Cultures of European Christianity, 1790-1960. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bugge Amundsen, Arne (2010). Religiøs tro og praksis i den dansk-norske helstat fra reformasjonen til opplysningstid ca. 1500-1814. (external link)
- Skinnebach, Laura Katrine; Laugerud, Henning (2007). Instruments of Devotion. The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Danbolt, Gunnar; Liepe, Lena (2003). Tegn, symbol og tolkning. Om forståelse og fortolkning av middelalderens bilder. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Arisholm, Torstein (1995). Myten om det moderne. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bakke, Jørgen; Hodne, Lasse (1993). Love and War. Individet i krig og kjærlighet. Kulturtekster 3. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Gule, Lars (1989). Vitenskap og verdensbilder. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laugerud, Henning; Kopania, Kamil; Sarnecka, Zuzanna (2025). Introduction. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). The devotional agency of images. Visions, the visual and memory in the late Middle Ages. (external link)
- Lohfert Jørgensen, Hans Henrik; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine; Laugerud, Henning (2023). Introduction. The Concepts, Definitions and Historiography of Animation in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Visions and Miracles. Animation as a Total Cultural Fact.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). The Miraculous Image. Visions, Rhetoric, Animation.. (external link)
- Lohfert Jørgensen, Hans Henrik; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine; Laugerud, Henning (2023). Epilogue. The Life and Afterlife of Medieval Animation.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Klosterlasse - pater Lauritz Nielssøn SJ. En biografisk skisse.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Tønsberg og katolsk misjon etter reformasjonen.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Grøgaard, Anna Pauline; Hareide, Sigurd (2023). Confessio Christiana "Den kristne bekjennelse". Innledning.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ødemark, John (2020). ‘Superstition’ in the Reformation Polemics of England and Denmark-Norway - and the Emergence of Folklore and Popular Religion.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Visual Culture. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Lohfert Jørgensen, Hans Henrik (2018). Medieval Architecture. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). En reformasjon av blikket? Skrift, bilder og synskultur i det etter-reformatoriske Danmark-Norge.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2016). ”Introduction". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). “’And how could I find Thee at all, if I do not remember Thee?’ Visions, images and memory in late medieval devotion”.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). The Optics of Understanding: Sight, sensing and discourses of knowledge in early modern Europe.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). MEMORY. The Sensory Materiality of Belief and Understanding in Late Medieval Europe.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2012). "Jeg har skuet Guds hemmeligheter." Om den hellige Katarina av Siena og det visjonære blikk. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). Altertavlen i Rollag stavkirke. Historisk bruk, gjenbruk og kulturminne. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). Visualitet og synskultur i det etter-reformatoriske Danmark-Norge. Bilder, skrift og erindring. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2008). Interiører og utsmykning i Rollag og de andre stavkirkene i Numedal. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2007). Visuality and Devotion in the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2006). Some remarks on the Sacredness or the Sanctity of Images according to the Council of Trent and St. Thomas Aquinas. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2003). Tegn, symbol og tolkning. Om forståelse og fortolkning av middelalderens bilder - noen innledende betraktninger. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2002). "Jesu fødsel" på prekestolen fra Onsøy gamle kirke. Ikonologisk-teologisk "dissonans" i Østfold. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1995). Heksetroen og hekseprosessene i Europa. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1993). "EROICA" Composta per festeggiare il souvenire di un grand'uomo: Napoleon Bonaparte, idealet, individet og historien. (external link)
Feature article
- Grøgaard, Anna Pauline; Laugerud, Henning; Hareide, Sigurd (2024). Klosterlasses forbudte katekisme. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). Kilde til kunnskap. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). Tafurene: Korstog og dommedag. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). Thomas Müntzer. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). En Dommedagsprofet i Christiania anno 1640. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). Joachim av Fiore og Den hellige Ånds tidsalder. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). Reformasjonens innføring i Norge i 1537 – brudd og kontinuitet?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Klosterlasse - en glemt helt fra motreformasjonen.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Etterlivet til "den gamle tro" - på sporet av det katolske i Rollag kirke og i Numedal.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Mot-reformasjon i Østfold – de lage linjer fra 1537 til jesuittmisjonen i Fredrikstad på slutten av 1600-tallet.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). Hva gjorde kirekkunsten med mennesker i middelalderen?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2020). Reformasjon, mot-reformasjon og katolsk etterliv. . (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjon uten folk - bokkveld.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjon uten folk. Reformasjonen som den største katastrofe i norsk historie?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjonen, den største menneskeskapte katastrofe i norsk historie?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Kristendommen i Norge i middelalder.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjon, mot-reformasjon og katolsk etterliv: Reformasjon uten folk.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Guds nærvær i alle ting - om den religiøse forståelse i middelalderens Norge.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Reformasjonen - den største katastrofe i norsk historie?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Myter om reformasjonen i Norge: Den kirkelige situasjon før reformasjonen.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Reformasjonen i Norge og Europa.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). “Reformasjonen: den største katastrofe i norsk historie?”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Paneldiskusjon: The Reformation a Curse for Church Art. Facts and Myths.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). Motstanden mot reformasjonen i Norge. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2012). Den hellige Katarina av Siena og hennes visjoner. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). Reformasjonen i Norge. Motstand og katolsk "undergrunn". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). "Til Gud og Jomfru Marias ære-Kirkens martyrer under reformasjonen i Norge". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2009). Omkring Lucas Cranach d.e.: "La de små barn komme til meg" i Larvik kirke. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2008). Traditions, images and rituals. The meeting of the Mediterranean and The North Atlantic. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2002). "Til Gud og Jomru Marias ære" - Noen refleksjoner omkring den religiøse situasjon i Norge i reformasjonsårhundredet. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). Biskop Jens Nilssøns visitas i Sandsvær 25-28.juli 1595. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). Jakten på tusenårsriket. Dommedag i europeisk kunst- og kulturhistorisk tradisjon. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). "Welcome and introducing Eire and the history of the Impossible.”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). "Bleeding, speaking and moving: Life in/living images in the Middle Ages - and Beyond. Are animated images impossible or not? Can an Eirian-perspective help us handle these questions?". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). False Relics? A Medieval Paradox?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Historical truth – truth in History. Some reflections on Medieval Historiography.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). The Archbishop and the Faith in Norway at the Eve of the Reformation - A Profile. (external link)
- Hansen, Gitte; Jansen, Øystein James; Laugerud, Henning et al. (2022). Porphyry fragments, early Christian burial site in Borgund, and the implementation of Christianity in Norway. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). The Vindictive Virgin and a Dialogue on Miracles. Medieval Animation. . (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2022). The Living Image in the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). "Play - a survey from Lewis to Wittgenstein". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). Living Images, Living with Images.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). Opening speech: What does Animation mean in the Middle Ages? Theoretical and Historical Approaches.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Kopania, Kamil (2021). "Closing Remarks". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). "ANIMA. Det levende bildet". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2020). Northern European Reformations: The Case of Denmark-Norway. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2020). Handlekraftige bilder: Caesarius av Heisterbach og en dialog om mirakler.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). "I was all moist with blood sprung from the Man's side." Visions, Animation and Living Matter in "The Dream of the Rood": some preliminary musings.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Keynote lecture: "The Devotional Agency of Images. Visions, the Visual, and memory in the late Middle Ages.". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). "I was drenched in blood that streamed from the Man's side..." Visions, Animation and Living Matter in the Dream of the Rood.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjonshistorien sett gjennom en alternativ optikk. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). The Post-Reformation Pilgrimage to Røldal.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Translasjon. Om Hieronimus translasjonsforståelse og en misforstått genealogi hos Venuti.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Augustins inskripsjoner. Omkring Augustins tegn- og språk-tenkning.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Tradisjon. Om tradisjon fra Augustin til Congar.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). “Counter-Reformation strategies in Denmark-Norway, the British Islands and Ireland. Some aspects of the relation between missionaries and missionary strategies around the North-Atlantic”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Catholicism in Norway during and after the Reformation – about resistance and the survival.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). The Lutheran Reformation and its Consequences for the Religious Visual Culture in Denmark-Norway.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). The Materiality of Devotion: An Introduction. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). Vision, Images and Cognition. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). Erindring og "bilder" - bilder som erindring.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Bokens optikk. bøker, bilder og "synskultur" i det etter-reformatoriske Danmark-Norge.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Moderator of introduksjon til sesjon. Christian Materiality. Practices, Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages. . (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Lutheran and other Post-Reformation Devotions. Introductory remarks.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Introduksjon og chair til sesjon: Reception of the Counter-Reformation in England.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Introduksjon og chair av sesjonen: Catholic Material and Visual Culture in Exile.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). The Optics of Understanding: Sight, Perception and Discourses of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). Materiell religion, religiøs praksis og den teologiske tenkning, ca. 1400-ca. 1700. Innledningsforedrag. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). Katolisisme i Norge under og etter reformasjonen - omkring motstand og trosforestillingers etterliv. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). Early Medieval Devotions; some Introductory Reflections. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). Erindring og bilder - bilder som erindring. Mnemologiske perspektiver på allegorier, symboler og "ikonografier" i middelalderen. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). "Visualitet og synskultur i det efter-reformatoriske Danmark-Norge". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). Visuality and the Culture of the Gaze in the Reformation Era. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2012). "Memories of symbols - the symbols of memory. Iconology and/as memory:". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2012). The Matrix(es) of Understanding. Mnemological Perspectives on Medival Systems of Allegories, Symbols and Iconographies. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2012). Memory. Senses and cognition in the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). Memory, Senses and Cognition in the Medium Aevum. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). Remembering the Past, Creating the Future. The Dynamics of Memory and Tradition. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). The Reformation and the Optics of Iconoclasm. Visuality and the Culture of the Gaze. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). Paravisualitet - Synliggjøringen av det vi ikke kan se for våre øyne. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). "Hvorfor ”erindring” – erindringsperspektiv(er) på historien". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bakke, Jørgen (2011). History of Science as a basis for communicating Natural History. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). The Optics of Understanding. Sight, Perception and Discourses of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). The Spiritual Sense(s). Memory, Senses and Cognition in the ‘Medieum Aevum’. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). “The Reformed Eye.The Reformation and the Optics of Iconoclasm. Visuality and the culture of the gaze in the post-reformation period in the kingdom of Denmark-Norway.”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2009). Erkjennelsens optikk - syn, sansning og erindring. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2009). Presentasjon av prosjektet: "Norke trolldomssaker på nett". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2007). Key-note speach: Sight, sense and cognition. The 'hagioscopic' mimesis of the museum. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2007). Ute Daniel "Kompendium kulturgeshcichte". Om forståelsen av kulturhistorie i den aktuelle fagdebatt i Tyskland. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2004). Presentation of research-activities relevant for the ENID-network. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2003). "Vi går på museum". En historisering av blikket. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2001). Some remarks on the Sacredness or the Sanctity if Images according to the Council of Trent and St. Thomas Aquinas. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). "Jesu fødsel" på prekestolen fra Onsøy gamle kirke. Ikonologisk-teologisk "dissonans" i Østfold. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). Kirkesamlingen på Norsk Folkemuseum og noen andre kirkehistoriske samlinger i Norge. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). Fortidens blikk. Noen refleksjoner omkring bilder, tolkning og forståelse. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). Harry Fett og Norsk Folkemuseums skjulte kirkeskatt. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1998). Planleggingen av et tverrfaglig forskningsprosjekt på etter-reformatorisk kirkekunst og religiøst liv - en foreløpig presentasjon. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1998). Etter-reformatorisk kirkekunst og kirkeinventar. (external link)
Academic article
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). St.Sunniva - the Irish Princess who became the Patron Saint of Bergen and Norway.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2024). IMAGES AS AGENTS [IMAGINES AGENTES] Memory and Animation. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2016). Erindringsbilder som fromhetsintrumenter. Mnemologiske perspektiver på religiøs tro og praksis i middelalder.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). Gjerpen-rettssaken i 1613.Dens bakgrunn og konsekvenser. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). Memory Stored and Reactivated - Some Introductory Reflections. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). To see with the eyes of the soul : memory and visual culture in medieval Europe. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2010). Visualitet, tekst og materialitet. Modernismens middelalder og middelalderens modernitet. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2005). ”Polysemi og den dynamiske tradisjon”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2004). Fortidens blikk og vårt eget. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2001). Fortidens blikk. Noen refleksjoner omkring bilder, tolkning og forståelse. (external link)
- Hareide, Sigurd; Laugerud, Henning; Grøgaard, Anna Pauline (2023). Åpner Klosterlasses skattkiste. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). 500-årsjubileum: Norges skjebne ble lagt i hans hender.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Reformasjonen i Norge: Da erkebiskopens håp brast.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2009). Er nutidskunsten overhodet religiøs?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2009). Den digitale heksejakta. (external link)
- Tranholm, Iben; Laugerud, Henning (2008). Fromheden skal ud af skabet. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Fyllingsnes, Ottar (2001). "Den første fritenkjarhistoria". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Pettersen, Arnfinn (2001). "Norsk Fritnkerhistorie 1500-1800: Norge - et religiøst mangfold". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Landro, Jan H. (2001). "Felles verdigrunnlag er en myte.". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2023). Syn, sansning og erkjennelse i middelalder – Sta. Maria in Trastevere. . (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). "Habitus"som kulturanalytisk kategori - en genealogi.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). Overtro, reformasjon og folketro.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). Tønsberg - et katolsk brohode etter reformasjonen?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2021). Imagines agentes - Middelalderens levende billeder mellem mekanik, magi og mirakler. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). Miraculous Images/Living Images: Aspects of Animation.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Reformasjon uten folk. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2019). Urnes-madonnaen - hvem var hun? En reisende i tid og rom.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Reformasjon utan folk.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Det "mettede" sensorium. Persepsjonens og medieringens prinsipper i middelalderen.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2015). Augustin's forståelse av erindring og hans tegn- og språkteori.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). Katolisisme i Norge under og etter reformasjonen - omkring motstand og trosforestillingers etterliv. Innledningsforedrag. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2014). Gjerpen-rettsaken i 1613. Mot-reformasjonen og dens tidllige gjennomslag i Norge på tidlig 1600-tall. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Grøgaard, Anna Pauline; Hareide, Sigurd (2023). Innledning. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador; Kelly, James (2020). Introduction. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Ryan, Salvador (2012). Introduction. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bugge Amundsen, Arne (2010). Innledning. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Skinnebach, Laura Katrine (2007). Introduction. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Gule, Lars (1989). ”Innledning del I” og ”Innledning del II”. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Laugerud, Henning (2022). Erindringer om fremtiden – om erindringens aktuelle og prospektive karakter.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2013). Hva er en svartebok?. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). Katolsk motstand på 1600-tallet. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2011). "Til Guds og Jomfru Marias Ære - Kirkens martyrer under reformasjonen i Norge". (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2007). Å se menneskets begrensninger. Erkjennelse, sannhet og vitenskap hos Thomas av Aquino. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2000). En bispevisitas i Sandsvær 1595. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (1999). Geir Hellemo: Guds billedbok. Virkelighetsforståelse i religiøse tekster og bilder. (external link)
Book review
- Laugerud, Henning (2021). "Ny bok om Olav den hellige - en skattkiste." Anmeldelse av Ørnulf Hodne: Olsok. Norges feiring av Olav den hellige. Novus 2021.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2018). Lived religion and the long Reformation in northern Europe, c.1300–1700. By Sari Katajala-Peltomaa and Raisa Maria Toivo. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 206.) Pp. viii 326 incl. 2 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2016.. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2017). Review: Donna L. Sadler: Stone, Flesh, Spirit. The Entombment of Christ in Late Medieval Burgundy and Champagne. Leiden: Brill, 2015.. (external link)
Short communication
Academic monograph
Doctoral dissertation
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Interview Journal
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific chapter/article
Academic literature review
- Laugerud, Henning (2006). Kirkeutsmykningen i Rollag Stavkirke. Rapport til Riksantikvaren på oppdrag for ”Riksantikvarens stavkirkeprogram”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2005). Kirkekunsten i stavkirkene. Rapport til Riksantikvaren på oppdrag for ”Riksantikvarens stavkirkeprogram”. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bugge Amundsen, Arne (2003). Categories of Sacredness in Europe, 1500-1800. Conference at the Norwegian Institute in Rome 11-14 October 2001. (external link)
Programme participation
- Laugerud, Henning (2002). Tema: Middelalderens verdensbilde. Varighet: 30.minutter. Programleder: Arnfinn Christensen. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2001). En beretning om toleransens vei i Norge. Fritenkeriets historie 1500-1800. Program nr. 1. Lengde 30. minutter. Programleder Lisa Kristin Strindberg. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bugge Amundsen, Arne (2001). Intervju om Norsk fritenkerhistorie 1500-1800. Programleder Kai Sibbern. Lengde 10. minutter. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2001). En beretning om toleransens vei i Norge. Fritenkeriets historie 1500-1800. Progeram nr. 2. Lengde 30. minutter. Programleder Lisa Kristin Strindberg. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning (2001). Innslag om forholdet mellom vitenskap og religion i middelalder og tidlig nytid. Lengde 10. minutter. Programleder Erik Tunstad. (external link)
- Laugerud, Henning; Bugge Amundsen, Arne (2001). Intervju om Norsk fritenkerhistorie 1500-1800. Lengde 25. minutter. Programleder Jan Birger Arentz. (external link)
Non-fiction book
Thesis at a second degree level
Ongoing research:
The Optics of Understanding: Sight, Perception and Discourses of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. A study of the optics of cognition, based on the meaning of sight or gaze - which seems to be a common feature of all forms of knowledge discourses in Early Modern Europe. The project focuses on the cognitive significance of sight and/as a basis for knowledge of the world. Personal research-project.
Personal project.
First publication: https://www.academia.edu/24768406/The_Optics_of_Understanding_Sight_sensing_and_discourses_of_knowledge_in_early_modern_Europe
The Living Image (LIMA): On the ontology, agency and personhood of living images and objects — medieval and modern.The Living Image (LIMA) is concerned with the agency and life of material objects, and evolves around the investigation of two interlaced objectives. First, the project will shed light on understudied aspects of medieval visual culture, focusing in particular on the agency of images and material objects. Second, it will provide new cutting-edge theoretical reflections and methodologies concerning the study of material agency and “living images” today. We argue that the cultural use of and interaction with images may be regarded as more than mere historically or culturally specific phenomenon. Rather, it concerns the ontology of images and constitutes a fundamental aspect of our life with images, in the premodern as well as in the contemporary. This points to the need for a re-evaluation of visual culture in general. It is our contention that images are embedded in social interaction and that animation is deeply constitutive of the production of meaning. Animation, we argue, is not located in the mind of the beholder, but in the epistemology, creation, interaction and materiality of images. Furthermore, we will argue that medieval animation may inform contemporary views on animation and provide us with a more precise vocabulary to capture current phenomena in the digital world. The project is fundamentally interdisciplinary and transhistorical in its perspective. Our research will be highly relevant for visual studies, material studies, study of religions, anthropology, medieval studies and theology. It is also relevant more generally for current discussions about the life and agency of seemingly dead matter.
Project leader: Henning Laugerud.
Project period: 2020 - .
Bleeding Images and Visual animation: Christ automata, action dolls and mechanical figures in late medieval Danish and Scandinavian image media. “Bleeding Images and Visual Animation” is a project about the late medieval animated image media in Denmark and the Nordic countries. Actively acting "action pictures", interactive cult puppets and automated figures were set in motion by performative or mechanical means – e.g., drawbar, stage work, machine, wheels, bellows, fire, weight-driven gait or hydraulic mechanisms with moving fluids. Such images of movement played a central, but now almost forgotten, historical role in Scandinavian cities, churches and not least monasteries from the late 13th century to the early 16th century, where they contributed to pilgrimage, preaching, mission, ceremonies, plays, entertainment and spectacular public performances. The project provides a systematic identification and analysis of animated figures in painting, sculpture, rituals, and other pictorial media within a medieval culture, where the animation is hitherto completely unknown: a Danish animation project with Norwegian and Swedish subprojects.
Based on an "animistic" and anthropological conceptual apparatus, the anthropomorphic image - the figure or the image as a person - is re-evaluated and revived, equipped with its own agent, mobility, corporeality, and "personhood". Mechanical and miraculous animation principles appear to overlap and interact in the historical experience, where automata bled, secreted, moved, gestured, acted, spoke, changed facial expressions, and transformed, as were they living bodies (or persons) of flesh and blood. A concrete example, among a large number of these in the project - namely a body-sized “Man of Sorrows” in the old Brigittine monastery of Mariager - is subjected to in-depth technical investigations to prove the possible existence of a unique bleeding mechanism in the figure's hollow torso and side, which can demonstrate animation in Denmark. The concept of image is finally extended to performing play and games with dolls, animated figures as well as real people in both city and church processions, liturgical drama, and monastic devotion.
Project leader: Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen, Aarhus University. The Project is financed by NOVO-Nordisk Fonden, Denmark.
Project period: 2020-2024.
See: https://projects.au.dk/bleeding-images-and-visual-animation/
First publication: https://en.unipress.dk/udgivelser/a/animation-between-magic,-miracles-and-mechanics/
Northern European Reformations. Transnational Perspectives.The project examines the experiences and interconnections of the Reformations, principally in Denmark-Norway and Britain and Ireland (but with an eye to the broader Scandinavian landscape as well), and also discusses instances of similarities between the Reformations in both realms. The volume features a comprehensive introduction, and provides a broad survey of the beginnings and progress of the Catholic and Protestant Reformations in Northern Europe, while also highlighting themes of comparison that are common to all of the bloc under consideration, which will be of interest to Reformation scholars across this geographical region.
The project consortium consists of James Kelly, Durham University, Salvador Ryan, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth and Henning Laugerud, University of Bergen.
Project period: 2018 - .
First publication: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030544577