Man in rice field, Bangladesh

Loop - samfunnsutfordringer

Global Challenges

Global challenges affect us all — they are complex and interdisciplinary by nature, and influence how we work and collaborate across disciplines at the University of Bergen.

ERC Consolidator Grant
Portretfoto av Linda Gröning

Seeking clarification of criminal law’s understanding of mental illness

Professor Linda Gröning at UiB receives a prestigious grant from the European Research Council to explore the connection between mental illness and criminal responsibility.

PhD and master course
Graffiti of a rainbow-coloured banana covered in black paint

Sex and politics in a global perspective

In spring 2025, SKOK, LawTransform and Skeivforsk will organize a cross-disciplinary, combined master and PhD course about the dynamics between sex and politics in a global perspective.

Coimbra Group Scholarship
Students discussing

UiB participates in the Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme

The primary objective of the Coimbra Group is to promote academic collaboration among its member universities and to facilitate international cooperation both within and outside Europe.

New research
Bilde av John Magnus Dahl

Study Highlights Social Media Differences Between Minority Boys and White, Straight Boys

«I was interested in finding out if queer boys and boys with a minority background used social media differently than the majority, and found that they stand out a bit,» UiB researcher John Magnus Dahl says.

SDG-konferansen 2025

Remembering the SDG Conference in Bergen 2025

The 8th SDG Conference in Bergen put health, climate and sustainability on the agenda through both "Day Zero" with a number of digital events, and a physical conference in the University Aula with engaging discussions and interactions.

BG og BSRS logo


Bergen Global invites researchers, students and the public to events on international affairs and global challenges—free and open to all! 
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Every year, Bergen Summer Research School welcomes 100 PhD candidates from all over the world to take one of several parallel PhD-level courses, all based in some of Bergen’s best research groups, and each addressing important global challenges.