
Winter school 2011


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Ninth Annual Winter School in Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatoric

The Ninth Annual Winter School in Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatorics took place 23-25 February 2011 at Geilo, an alpine skiing center 40 km East of Finse.


We leave by train from Bergen at 07:58 and will be staying at Geilo Hotel . The scientific programme will include four 3-hour tutorials:

Sparsification using VC-dimension, by Yuri Rabinovich from Haifa University.

Nowhere dense graphs and algorithms, by Zdenek Dvorak from Charles University. His slides in pdf are here.

LP and graph algorithms in sage, by Nathann Cohen from Sophia-Antipolis (see his home page for information about sage)

Multicore programming: architecture and optimization, by Erik Hagersten from Uppsala University.

Wednesday 23rd:
07:58-10:58 Train Bergen-Geilo
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-17:00 Discussions and/or skiing
17:00-20:00 Tutorial I on sage by Nathann Cohen
20:00 Dinner

Thursday 24th:
07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Tutorial II on nowhere dense graphs by Zdenek Dvorak
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-17:00 Discussions and/or skiing
17:00-20:00 Tutorial III on sparsification by Yuri Rabinovich
20:00 Dinner

Friday 25th:
07:00-09:00 Breakfast (make lunch pack)
09:00-12:00 Tutorial IV on multicore programming by Erik Hagersten
12:00 Check-out
14:42-17:52 Train Geilo-Bergen

If you are interested in attending please contact Jan Arne Telle.


1. Fedor Fomin

2. Pinar Heggernes

3. Fredrik Manne

4. Jan Arne Telle

5. Yngve Villanger

6. Pim van't Hof

7. Erik Jan van Leeuwen

8. Mostofa Ali Patwary

9. Sigve Hortemo Sæther

10. Martin Vatshelle

11. Georgius Askaladis

12. Remy Belmont

13. Sadia Sharmin

14. Johannes Langguth

15. Frederic Dorn

16. Yuri Rabinovich

17. Nathann Cohen

18. Zdenek Dvorak

19. Erik Hagersten

20. Martin Tofteberg

21. Knut Karevoll

22. Magnar Myrtveit

23. Torbjørn Tessem

24. Torgeir Grønning

25. Anneli Weiss

26. Markus Dregi

27. Sven Köhler

28. Jiri Fiala

29. Martin Kupec

30. Alexander Rosbach

31. Michal Vaner

32. Marek Tesar

33. Tomas Vyskocil

34. Pierre Charbit

35. Jan Volec

36. Pål Drange

