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Inflammation is the body's natural reaction to infections and tissue injury, and is mediated by a range of specialized cell types, soluble molecules and by the affected tissue.

Its main function is to combat the infectious agents and to initiate healing of damaged tissue. Research in immunology and inflammation at the Gade institute is translational and comprises acute and chronic inflammation, mucosa immune biology and pathogen-host interactions. The genetic basis of immune mechanisms and immune diseases and gene expression at RNA and protein levels are being investigated. There is a research focus on lymphoid tissue and immune disease related to mucosa and tumour immunology. One research aim is to find better biomarkers and ways to regulate, modulate and control the immune response (immune therapy and vaccines). The groups have high competence in autoimmunity (e.g. Sjögren’s disease and multiple sclerosis) and dendritic cells. A long term goal is increased knowledge of complex mechanisms in immune diseases based upon systems biology.


Methodologically, a number of immunological, immunopathological, cell biological and molecular techniques has been established and optimized in order to analyse tissue fluids and samples and experimental in vitro and in vivo systems.


The Bergen Research School of Inflammation (BRSI) is closely integrated into the research on inflammation, mucosa immune biology and infectious diseases – and overlaps/collaborates closely with the program of research on infections.