A basic course/workshop in
Fluorescence imaging and quantitative analysis of subcellular structure

Main content
The course is supported by MedIm and travel grants are available for 5 PhD and/or forskerlinje students (more info on the bottom of this page).
Dates: 7th to 9th of April 2014
Location: Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen (UiB)
Information about the course:
Fluorescence microscopy is an important tool in biomedical research, and various chemical and protein-based fluorescent reporter molecules enable studies of diverse cellular structures by epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. The acquired mages may be analysed both qualitatively and/or quantitatively in order to retrieve information about the amount, dynamics and interactions of subcellular organelles. Such analysis can be performed in multiple spatial, temporal and spectral dimensions, depending on the available fluorescence reporter systems and imaging hardware. The application possibilities for fluorescence microscopy and image analysis in biomedicine are many.
The objective of this course is to prepare the participant for specialized studies of cellular properties by using fluorescence microscopy followed by quantitative image analysis.
The course will include lectures and discussions regarding the theoretical and practical aspects of quantitative (live-cell) microscopy. This includes cell imaging experiments (conventional and spinning-disc confocal microscopy) as well as image processing and quantitative analysis.
Werner Koopman (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands)
Peter Willems (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands)
Endy Spriet (MIC, Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Hege Avsnes Dale (MIC, Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Erlend Hodneland (Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Tanja Køgel (Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Karl Johan Tronstad (Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Fanny Pelissier (Department of Biomedicine, UiB)
Further information and preliminary program can be downloaded from the right column.
Registration deadline: 21st of March
MedIm (http://www.ntnu.edu/medicalimaging) will support 5 PhD and/or forskerlinje students travelling within Norway with travel and hotel expenses. This has to be applied for separately, and the applicants need both to register in the Medlm network and to fill in the grant application form. Further information is found here: http://www.ntnu.edu/medicalimaging/offer-phd/. Applicants for MedIm grants should also contact Erik Ingebrigtsen (erik.ingebrigtsen@ntnu.no) in Medlm directly.