
Faculty of Social Sciences

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smilende internasjonale studenter

Social sciences at the University of Bergen

There are seven departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Bergen. We offer various courses and master's programmes taught in English.

Artificial Intelligence
Andreas Opdahl

Can artificial intelligence strengthen local democracy? Yes, claims professor and seeks support from the Research Council of Norway

Professor Andreas Opdahl, one of Norway's leading experts in artificial intelligence (AI), is spearheading an ambitious initiative: Insight, a research center focused on AI in local democratic ecosystems. With a clear objective to develop technology that enhances local democracy, researchers and...

NEWS | Horizon Europe
Bergen - oversiktsbilde

Seven EU-funded postdocs to Bergen

The University of Bergen (UiB) will host another seven international research fellows after a very successful application round in this year’s competition for MSCA funding from the EU. The grants will fund the researchers' stay at UiB for two years.

Studenter foran musikkpaviljongen i Bergen

From Chapel Hill to Bergen

In the spring semester of 2024, Charles Haines stepped out of his comfort zone in Chapel Hill to study comparative politics at the University of Bergen. Read about his exchange experience here.

Students in a learning situation

UiB Master’s Programme Secures NOK 3 Million Grant for Global Classroom Initiative

«We will teach the courses at five universities in different ways. We will create shared teaching materials, and students at all five institutions will participate through teacher and student mobility», professor Lise Rakner says.

picture of Aleh, Tima and Jessica

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) needs a major boost to reach 2°C climate target

New research from the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) and Chalmers University of Technology shows that a large CCS expansion and strong policy and investment efforts are essential to fulfil the climate targets in the Paris Agreement.