

The University of Bergen offers various courses and programmes taught in English within different fields.

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The University of Bergen is an international university and this is reflected in our staff members, students, research and education. Explore our numerous courses and programmes taught in English.

Master’s degrees

UiB offers around 25 master’s programmes taught in English within several fields, such as humanities and aesthetic studies, medicine, natural sciences and technical subjects, social sciences and psychology. All our programmes have a duration of two years, which gives you a full year for the master’s thesis.

Exchange studies

Currently we have more than 400 courses for exchange students taught in English. The University of Bergen hosts more than 1000 exchange students every year, the great majority through the Erasmus+ programme. We offer courses both at bachelor’s and master’s level for exchange students.

Fine Art, Music and Design studies

The Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design have studies at bachelor’s and master’s level. Their master’s studies are taught in English, while their bachelor’s programmes require knowledge of a Scandinavian language.

No undergraduate/bachelor's programmes taught in English

None of our undergraduate study programmes are offered in English. Applicants with education from outside of Norway must document Norwegian language proficiency in the application process.

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