Centre for Cancer Biomarkers
CCBIO Forskerskole

Matrix Biology course

Welcome June 3-7 2019 to the course BMED904 Matrix Biology. Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix.

Microscope photo of cell.
Pugazendhi Murugan Erusappan, UiB


BMED904 is a five day course, running every 2 years, that includes lectures from local researchers and a number of internationally well-known researchers within the field of matrix biology as well as practical laboratory training.

The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease.

Note, all lectures are open to everyone interested!

Course nameBMED904 Biomedical Research Course: Matrix biology. Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix.

Date: June 3-7, 2019

Registration linkhttps://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=6301856

Candidates at UiB will also need to register via Studentweb, to register the 3 ECTS.

Place: BB-building, 3rd floor. Histology room 2 (histologisal 2) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (except for the Joanna Philips lecture the Thursday at 14.30-15.30, which is in Aud. 4, BB-building, on top of the entrance stairs).
Wednesday: Histology room 1 (histologisal 1).

Arranged by:  Bergen Biomedical Research School (BBRS) and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO).

No course fee.


  • The extracellular matrix
  • Imaging in biomedical research
  • Proteoglycans, cell-matrix receptors
  • Focal adhesions and syndecan proteoglycans
  • Syndecans and disease
  • Matrix metalloproteinases
  • Artificial matrices for stem cell culture
  • Integrins: role in ECM
  • Fibroblast heterogeneity
  • The brain matrix and its potential role in disease
  • Laminin-deficient muscular dystrophy
  • GBM heterogeneity and extracellular regulation of oncogenic signaling
  • Transgene techniques
  • Proteoglycans – genetic disorders

Speaker list

  • Joanna Phillips, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  • Jan-Olof Winberg, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
  • John Couchman, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Catherine Merry, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Kalle Sipilä, King's College London, UK
  • Madeleine Durbeej, Lund University, Sweden
  • Ning Lu, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Donald Gullberg, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Marion Kusche-Gullberg, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Frits Alan Thorsen, University of Bergen, Norway

Program: See final program here.


Contact info:

Marion Kusche-Gullberg: marion.kusche@uib.no

Margarethe Bittins: margarethe.Bittins@uib.no