Centre for Cancer Biomarkers
CCBIO Research School

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium 14. februar

Merk av datoen i kalenderen din for det neste CCBIO Junior Scientist-symposiet, 14. februar 2019.

Collage of photos from teaching at the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia.
Anne S.Herdlevær/Ingvild Melien/CCBIO/Colourbox.


We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Jr Scientist Symposium, February 14th. Professor Inge Jonassen will give an inspirational lecture where he will present his educational path from a young aspiring student to professor and senior researcher. Further, we will hear about professor Jonassen’s ongoing research and the new center for data science CEDAS at the University of Bergen. As increasingly more research involves bioinformatics and handling of big data, this lecture should be relevant for most PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

We also have exiting projects from some of our PhD students and postdocs, who will present their research on topics including ethics in medicine (Tranvåg), mechanisms of AXL signaling (D’mello Peters, Hellesøy) and the importance of stromal cells in cancer (Dongre, Kjølle).

The symposium is open for all and free of charge – including lunch – just remember to register!

Liv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen and Kenneth Finne are coordinators of the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium this year, and can be contacted if you have any questions, or wish to present your research. 

Time: Thursday February 14th 2019 at 10.00-14.00.

Where: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)

Registration linkhttps://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=6108062 within Feb. 12th

Open to all




L. C. Thomsen / K. Finne

Information on CCBIO JUSS / CCBIO901

10:05-10:25Stacey D’mello Peters"Studying GAS6-AXL RTK signaling by mass cytometry"
10:25-10:45Harsh Dongre"microRNA deregulation in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Oral and Vulva: role of stromal microRNAs in tumour progression"
10:45-11:05Monica Hellesøy"A high throughput library screen of potential drug combination candidates for the AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in acute myeloid leukemia"
11:05-11:20Coffee/tea break 
11:20-11:40Silje Kjølle"Hypoxia response and stromal hypoxia in breast cancer"
11:40-12:00Eirik J. Tranvåg"Precision drugs in the Norwegian reimbursement system"
12:00-12:30Lunch breakIncluded (just remember to register)
12:30-13:15Inge JonassenInspirational lecture