Seminar in Clinical and Translational Research for PhD Candidates

Ph.D. -course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The seminars will facilitate scientific interaction and establish networks among PhD candidates linked to the Research School of Clinical Medicine. The Department of Clinical Medicine (K1) and the Department of Clinical Science (K2) consists of many different disciplines, and the seminars can foster more cooperation and give candidates a useful network which they can benefit from in their future career.

The seminars will be an arena where PhD candidates gain experience with oral presentations, academic discussions and scientific thinking. Participants will be able to exchange clinical research methods, technical expertise and practice that are used in clinical and translational research, with the aim to improve the scientific quality for all.

The seminars are held three times per semester. Each seminar will contain two presentations of approximately 30 minutes from two PhD candidates. The seminars will be led by a seminar leader, and each presentation will be followed by a discussion with feedback and input from both the seminar leader and the other participants.

The course runs over two consecutive semesters, with seminars every other month.

A seminar will last 1.5 hours and include two presentations with discussions and feedback.

Each participant will prepare and give a presentation about their relevant methods and their scientific problems.

Approved PhD course, recommended for candidates whose PhD project includes clinical projects. The course is included in the portfolio of the Research School in Clinical Medicine

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course the candidate should:


  • Be able to give a scientific presentation (about ones own methods and problems of discussion
  • Explain new knowledge that has arisen from ones own project


  • Present, explain and discuss the most important and key findings from own research
  • Be able to handle complex questions in academic discussions
  • Give and receive professional criticism.

General qualifications:

  • Have a multidisciplinary understanding of the various methods used within different research fields, their applications, limitations and benefits
  • Be in a position to exchange technical expertise and experience used in clinical research which in the long term will improve the general scientific quality
  • Participate in scientific interaction among researchers in medical research

ECTS Credits

1 study point (25-30 hours work)

Level of Study

Total workload:

  • Preparation for own presentation (24 hours).
  • Preparation for seminars (3 hours).
  • Participation in a minimum of three seminars (9 hours).

36 hours in total

Semester of Instruction

Spring 2025:

The following rooms are reserved for network seminar this fall:

  • Tuesday, February 18 - 2025, room 8.1 and 8.2
  • Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - room 8.1 and 8.2
  • Tuesday, May 27, 2025- room 8.1 and 8.2

All semninars are in the Laboratory building

Required Previous Knowledge

Qualified to be a PhD candidate in medicine or health related research

Access to the Course

Register via StudentWeb (

Registration should preferably be done before February 1st / September 1st, but will be open throughout the semesters

PhD candidates, and students at the Medical Student Research Program.

Forms of Assessment

To pass the course, the candidate must

  • prepare for and actively participate in at least three seminars in two semesters (attendance is recorded)
  • give an oral presentation based on his/her own research at one of the seminars

Assessment of the presentation will be given by both the seminar leader and the course coordinator

The following grading scale is used:
Passed / Failed

Reading List
Course Coordinator
Stian Knappskog, Research School of Clinical Medicine