Raw vapour measurements are first corrected for humidity dependency using an isotope-dependent humidity dependency correction developed at FARLAB (Weng and Sodemann, in prep.). Calibration of vapour data is based on the recommendations by the IAEA (2009). Standards bracketing a measurement period (typically 24h) are identified and quality-checked. Calibration interpolates then linearly in time between both standard measurements. Data are archived in a netCDF data format, including metadata on sampling and calibration procedures.
Weng, Y. and Sodemann H., in prep: Correction of water concentration and isotope ratio dependence in water vapour isotope measurements with CDRS instrumentation.
IAEA (2009): Reference Sheet for VSMOW2 and SLAP2 international measurement standards. Issued 2009-02-13, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 5 p.