CCBIO Seminar – Martin Götte
Welcome to the CCBIO seminar series in the spring term 2023. Open to all in auditorium 4, BBB. Speaker is Dr. Martin Götte, University of Münster, Germany. No registration necessary. Join us also for the informal pizza get-together in the hall following the talk!
Main content
Speaker: Dr. Martin Götte, University of Münster, Germany
Title: The multifunctional nature of Syndecan-1 in breast cancer
Host: Donald Gullberg
Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building
When: March 30, 2023 at 14.30-15.30
No registration necessary. Join us also for the informal pizza get-together in the hall following the talk!
Abstract: The transmembrane proteoglycan syndecan-1 modulates a multitude of physiological processes via binding of its heparan sulfate carbohydrate chains to numerous ligands relevant to tumor progression and inflammation. Syndecan-1 is a classical coreceptor for growth factors, angiogenic factors and chemokines, and acts as a cell and matrix adhesion receptor. It modulates integrin function, proteolysis and tumor angiogenesis. The striking resistance of syndecan-1-deficient mice to mammary tumorigenesis has been linked to a potential role in cancer stem cell function, and we could provide evidence for a role for syndecan-1 in human tumor-initiating cells. New data from our laboratory provide a link of syndecan-1 to radiation resistance in breast cancer. In this seminar, I will present recent data which demonstrate a role for syndecan-1 in the inflammatory microenvironment, and possible molecular mechanisms linked to therapeutic resistance and recurrence.