Current Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

In this course students learn how to find, interpret, present, and write about selected themes in ecological, evolutionary and biodiversity research. Themes can vary from year to year, and students work both individually and in groups to address questions, solve problems and develop recommendations. For each theme, students have to develop an overview of important papers, debates and research questions, and collaboratively report it back to the other students and/or develop a recommendation for policy or future research based on the scientific literature. Students will discuss and interpret research articles in the field, and conduct assignments including writing assignments, mini-literature reviews and exercises. A key component of the course will be the development of a small research proposal, an introduction or a literature review, which will be peer reviewed by other members of the group, and resubmitted in revised form.

Learning Outcomes

After the course you should be able to:

1. Achieve an overview of ecological/evolutionary questions based on the scientific literature and databases

2. Critically reflect upon research methods, conclusions and statements in the discipline

3. Summarize and present advanced ecological/evolutionary themes

4. Develop, assess and give feedback on scientific texts, reviews or project proposals

5. Identify research needs and develop projects and applications

Semester of Instruction


This course has a limited capacity, enrolment is based on application. The application deadline is Wednesday in week 2 for the spring semester. Please see this page for more information. You will receive confirmation of whether you received a seat in Studentweb no later than Monday the week after the deadline.

It is compulsory to attend the first lecture/orientation meeting, or you risk losing your seat. If you are unable to attend the first lecture, you must contact the Study Section ( The time of the first lecture/orientation meeting can be found in the schedule on the course website or on Mitt UiB.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
All lectures are compulsory. Handing in essays in all 4 modules. Approved compulsory assignments are valid in 6 semesters.
Forms of Assessment
Portfolio assessment.
Grading Scale
The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.
Course Evaluation
Students will evaluate the course in accordance with the quality assurance system at UiB and the Department. You can find courseevaluations in the Quality Assurance Reports.