Selected Topic in English Linguistics II

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

ENG341 is a specialized course in a topic from English linguistics. The content of the course will vary from semester to semester. The course can for example include topics from applied linguistics, theoretical linguistics, historical linguistics, or a combination of these disciplines.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student has the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has detailed insight into the theoretical and methodological approaches within the field covered by the course and be familiar with current research in this field.


The student

  • can apply his or her knowledge and skills in teaching, for the dissemination of research and other information purposes.
  • is highly skilled in expressing academic ideas in written and spoken English

General competence

The student

  • is capable of developing his or her own competence and specializing in an independent manner.

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Bachelor degree with a specialization in English, or equivalent.
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course
The course is open to students in the master's programme in Englishand the master's programme in Foreign Language Teacher Education at the University of Bergen
Teaching and learning methods

Seminars: up to 16 hours.

In the case that fewer than five students register for a course, the organized teaching may be adapted to fit the number of students. If this occurs, students will be informed at the start of the semester, and before the registration deadline 1. February/1. September.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Students must submit a 500-word draft of their term paper, attend supervision, follow guidelines, and meet deadlines set by the Department and the course instructor. The draft of the term paper must be submitted within the deadline set by the instructor and must be approved by the instructor. Drafts which are not approved may be revised and resubmitted once. Students have the right to supervision in working with the term paper. Supervision is obligatory. If supervision takes place over more than one session, students must attend all sessions. Supervision can be given individually or in groups. Students whose resubmitted drafts are not approved or who fail to meet any of the above requirements may not submit their term paper for assessment.

Compulsory assignments are valid for one semester following the semester of instruction.

Forms of Assessment

The exam in the course is a supervised term paper of 4000 words (±10%) (not including the bibliography etc.) Students must attend supervision and observe the deadlines that are specified by the course instructor. Students who do not comply with these guidelines, lose the right to take the exam in the course.

In the re-take exam, the student, who has completed the compulsory supervision in the teaching semester, hands in the term paper without further supervision.

Grading Scale
The exam is marked in the grade scale A-F, where F is a fail.
Assessment Semester
The exam in ENG341 is offered each semester. It is recommended that students take the exam at the end of the teaching semester.
Reading List

The reading list is comprised of up to 750 pages of linguistic texts. In addition to the reading list, the students are encouraged to use recommended further reading and guidebooks.

The reading list will be available by 1 July for the Autumn semester.

Course Evaluation
The teaching is evaluated in accordance with the quality control system of the University of Bergen.
Programme Committee
The Program Board is responsible for the academic content and structure of the study program, and for the quality of all the subjects therein.
Course Coordinator
The Programme Board for English
Course Administrator
The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Humanities has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study programme.