Field Geomatics

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

Students will gain a thorough understanding of the principles, techniques, and instrumentation underlying

advanced remote sensing tools, and explore their use in acquiring high-resolution spatial data for example in

fields such as glaciology, geomorphological mapping, and 3D geological outcrop modelling.

This course focuses on the applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and terrestrial Light Detection

and Ranging (LiDAR) technology in the Earth Sciences, along with visualising and manipulating field geomatics

data within a Geographical Information System (GIS).

Throughout the course, participants will engage in hands-on projects, working with real-world datasets that

can be useful in a range of studies, such as investigating glacial dynamics, mapping complex landforms, and

creating virtual outcrops that enable detailed geological investigations. The course includes two days in the

field where students will plan, acquire, and process their own data. Students will develop expertise in data

processing, visualisation, and interpretation, equipping them for a wide range of research and industry


Learning Outcomes

Studenten skal ved avslutta emne ha følgjande læringsutbytte:


The student can

  • Describe and discuss the utilisation of UAVs and terrestrial LiDAR in various Earth Science applications, particularly glaciology, landform mapping, and virtual outcrop analysis
  • Explain the underlying principles, techniques, and instrumentation of UAV and LiDAR technologies
  • Define and explain the strengths and weaknesses of UAV and LiDAR-based approaches for different geoscientific contexts
  • Source and visualise diverse geospatial datasets generated using UAVs and terrestrial LiDAR
  • Has a foundational knowledge of effectively implementing UAVs and terrestrial LiDAR in Earth Science research and industry


The student can

  • Safely plan, execute, and process UAV and LiDAR data collection campaigns in a variety of field settings
  • Critically assess geospatial data, understanding its role in complementing traditional field studies
  • Select suitable methods and technologies for characterising diverse landscapes and landforms using UAVs and LiDAR
  • Independently perform basic geospatial analyses to characterize landscapes and landforms using UAV and LiDAR-derived data

General competence

The student can

  • Critically evaluate and draw on relevant literature related to remote sensing, geomatics, and GIS in the context of Earth Science applications
  • Explain how geomatics can compliment traditional earth science methodologies
  • Can work as part of a team to co-ordinate data collection
  • Can produce thematic representations of their data within a report
  • Can explain the relevance and applications of geomatics for societ

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Teaching and learning methods

The course will run over a series of interactive seminars which will include discussions and

practical exercises. A flipped-classroom approach where students must come prepared,

most of the information will be shared through a series of StoryMaps. The course will

feature a 3 day (2 night) field component where students will get hands on experience

collecting field geomatic data and processing it.