Quantitative Methods, Research Planning and Applied Statistical Analysis
Postgraduate course
- ECTS credits
- 15
- Teaching semesters
- Spring
- Course code
- HEM304
- Number of semesters
- 1
- Teaching language
- English
Course description
Objectives and Content
This is a specialization course in quantitative methods, research planning and applied statistical analysis. It offers an introduction to theory of knowledge and research methodologies, but gives emphasis to planning quantitative research and methods of statistical analysis of quantitative data within the social and health sciences. Students learn the fundamentals of writing a quantitative master¿s thesis proposal as well as the fundamental operations using available software.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course the students should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:
The student will have in-depth knowledge of:
- Different knowledge paradigms and explanatory models, and their implications for choice of methodological strategy
- Key concepts within quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, as well as literature reviews
- Ethical principles in research and their application in quantitative and qualitative research
- The requirements for the master's thesis proposal
- The appropriate use of a range of statistical methods/techniques
- The interpretation of statistical analysis
The student has the ability to:
- Pose study questions that can be addressed using statistical methods, e.g., hypothesis testing
- Model data using alternative approaches and decide on final approaches to an analysis
- Annotate and interpret output from statistical analyses
- Format tables and graphs that present statistical analyses
- Design a research project and write a project plan
General competencies:
By the end of the course the student:
- Can critically, analytically and systematically evaluate research literature (in both qualitative and quantitative methods)
- Can think critically, reflectively and creatively about statistical analysis
- Has methodological competencies for statistics-related skills problem-solving
- Can choose appropriate statistical analyses given the nature of the study data
Full time
ECTS Credits
Level of Study
Semester of Instruction
Required Previous Knowledge
Students must have completed the first semester of study in the master's program in Global Development Theory and Practice, Health Promotion and Health Psychology, Child Protection and Welfare or Child Welfare Work.
Access to the Course
Open to all students registered in the Master's Programmes at the Department of Health Promotion and Development.
Teaching and learning methods
The teaching methods will consist of lectures, seminars and development of project plan for master thesis.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
- 80% compulsory attendance in seminars
- Passing multiple choice tests
- Complete online modules
- Presentation of own research project for fellow students
Compulsory assignments and requirements must be completed and approved before the student can take the exam.
Forms of Assessment
Home exam, 5 days
Students may answer in Norwegian or in English.
NOTE: Text generated by ChatGPT and other AI text generators is not permitted in the submitted written work.
Grading Scale
Assessment Semester
Reading List
Will be made available on 1st December.
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the Faculty of Psychology's routines for participatory evaluation and the University of Bergen's Quality Assurance System.
Programme Committee
Department of Health Promotion and Development, Faculty of Psychology
Course Coordinator
Department of Health Promotion and Development, Faculty of Psychology.
Course Administrator
Department of Health Promotion and Development, Faculty of Psychology.