Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The course aims to give the students an introduction to artificial intelligence with a specific focus on machinne learning topics. Students will understand how selected machine learning algorithms work, and they will also acquirebasic competence to apply artificial intelligence solutions to modern problems.

We will address the following topics:

  • ethics in Al
  • Classification and regression
  • clustering
  • neural Networks

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student

  • posesses knowledge about the main subfields of Al and their goals
  • is able to describe challenges of adding or ensuring moral behaviours of Al systems


The student

  • is able to use mainstream machine learning libraries

General competence

The student

  • understands how the classification, regression and clustering algorithms (presented in the course) work.

ECTS Credits


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Recommended Previous Knowledge
We recommend to have a general background in mathematics and basic programming skills, in particular in python.
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course
To be admitted to this course, you must have applied and gained access through UiB Videre, Continuing Education.
Teaching and learning methods

The course starts on the second half of January. It is 100% web-based and teaching and learning activities will take place online.

The course is divided in 5 parts and it runs in 8 weeks. We will focus on different topics in each of them. In the first 5 weeks, the course is organized to have 2 sessions per week with 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of exercises. During the 6th and 7th week, students will have to work on a project that consists in developing an Al system. The course will end in week 8 where students will present their work. during the exercise sessions, students will be supported by teaching assistants.

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
The course will have compulsory assignments. The assignments are only valid in the semester the course is held.
Forms of Assessment

The forms of assessment are:

  • group project (50 %)
  • written examination of 2 hours (50 %)

Both must be passed in order to pass the course.

Grading Scale
Bestått/ikkje bestått
Assessment Semester
it is a regular exam each semester the course is held
Examination Support Material
All aids exept communication is allowed.
Course Administrator
The Faculty of Science and Technology represented by the Department of Informatics is the course administrator for the course and study programme.