Innovation in industrial biotechnology

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The aim of the course is to equip the student with competences in industrial biotechnology that can promote innovation and address societal challenges. Industrial biotechnology is development of products, processes or services for commercial use by means of living organisms, molecules or biotechnological methods. This technology can be applied in industry and society for production of chemicals, enzymes, feed, food, materials, energy, etc. The course includes a theoretical and a practical approach. The student is trained in understanding industry-relevant challenges and solution, as well as evaluating these. The practical work is carried out in groups where theoretical knowledge is used in concrete challenges within biotechnology. The cases will be developed together with regional/national industry, industry cluster and R&D institutions.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • has broad knowledge about the use of living organisms, molecules or methods in biotechnology
  • has knowledge about examples of established biotechnology products and processes in Norwegian industry
  • has basic knowledge about the political landscape of bioeconomy and circular economy
  • has basic knowledge about innovation systems, immaterial rights, business models, value chains and financial support
  • har good knowledge about ethical and societal issues relating to responsible research and innovation, including an understanding of sustainable exploitation of natural resources, and framework for access and benefit sharing of genetic resources


The student

  • can understand real life challenges in enterprises by the application of living organisms, molecules or biotechnological methods as tools
  • can find, evaluate and refer to various sources of information, and apply these to promote  solutions
  • can conduct a defined development project under supervision and according to established ethical scientific conducts

General competence

The student

  • can analyze relevant challenges and solutions
  • can reflect on sustainability, environmental and ethical aspects of innovation, and societal responsibility
  • can communicate theories about and methods for industrial biotechnology
  • can contribute to creative and innovative processes

ECTS Credits


Level of Study

200-level course at master level

Semester of Instruction


All activity in this course is mandatory. The number of seats depends on the number of supervisors and projects available. Max. 10 students.

This course has a limited capacity, enrollment is based on application. The application deadline is Wednesday in week 2 for the spring semester. Please see this page for more information. You will receive confirmation of whether you received a seat in Studentweb no later than Monday the week after the deadline.

It is compulsory to attend the first lecture/orientation meeting, or you risk losing your seat. If you are unable to attend the first lecture, you must contact the Study Section ( The time of the first lecture/orientation meeting can be found in the schedule on the course website or on Mitt UiB.

Place of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
KJEM110, KJEM130, MOL100 and MOL200 or BIO214/BIO215. A biotechnologist must have broad competences and good skills in basic chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology to exploit microorganisms, plant- and animal cells, or components therein, in order to develop products, processes or services useful to industry or society.
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course
In order to be admitted to the course, you must be admitted to a study programme at the Department of Biological Sciences and students on master's programme in Molecular Biology have first priority.
Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, seminars and group work. Oral presentation of group work.

Lectures and seminars / Hours per week: 2 hrs, 14 weeks

Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Participation in all lectures/seminars.

Oral presentation of project assignment.

Compulsory activities are only valid for the current semester.

All compulsory activities must be approved to obtain a grade in the course.

Forms of Assessment
Project assignment
Grading Scale
The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.
Assessment Semester
Examination in the spring semester only
Reading List
The reading list will be available within Dec 1st
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated by the students in accordance with the quality assurance system at UiB and the department
Examination Support Material
Programme Committee
The Programme Committee is responsible for the content, structure and quality of the study programme and courses.
Course Administrator
The Faculty of Science and Technology - department of Biological Sciences has responsibility for the course and programme.