Courses offered to exchange students
In the course list you will find a detailed overview of all the courses available for international exchange students for the academic year 2025-2026.
Course list
How to read the course list
Use the filter on the top right corner to look through courses relevant to your studies.
Faculty: Start by finding the faculty that you will be studying at. You can take courses in more than one faculty.
Subject area: Find the subject area relevant to your studies and explore the different courses offered.
Course code: Each course has an individual course code you can use when you are applying to courses. This code also tells you the academic level of the course.
- 100-level: Bachelor's level courses.
- 200-level: Can be included at both bachelor's and master's level.
- 300-level: Master's level courses.
Course name and detailed information: click the link on the course code/name to get to the course page for each of the courses.
Language: Make sure to check which language the courses are taught in. Please also check the language requirements before applying for courses.
ECTS credits:Tells you how many ECTS credits you are awarded for each course. The full workload for one semester is 30 ECTS credits in total.
Open and restricted ourses
The courses offered at UiB are divided into two categories: open and restricted courses. The categories decide how and when you apply for the specific course.
Restricted courses
- You apply for these courses in your online application (Søknadsweb) before the deadline 15 April/October.
- These courses have a requirement of previous knowledge. The relevant faculty or department therefore reviews each applicant’s academic background.
- These courses require faculty approval. We cannot guarantee admission.
- Many courses have limited capacity. Qualified students nominated on an exchange agreement in a field relevant to the subject will therefore be prioritized.
- You will know you have been accepted on the courses once you receive the Letter of Acceptance.
Open courses
- You register for these courses once you have been granted admission for exchange at UiB.
- These courses do not have a requirement of previous knowledge, and you do not need faculty approval to sign up for open courses. Please check the recommended previous knowledge in the course description before signing up for a course.
- Some courses have limited capacity. Qualified students nominated on an exchange agreement in a field relevant to the subject will be prioritized in those cases.
You may apply for both restricted courses and open courses, or combine them. When you receive access to the student registration portal in December/July, you can add and remove courses as you wish by the registration deadline 1 February/ 1 September.
If you want to apply to restricted courses after the application deadline, you can do so when you get access to the student registration portal. Please note that some of the courses may have already reached capacity and that you still need faculty approval to sign up.
More information regarding the student registration portal will be given in December/June.
Additional information
Course selection
We expect exchange students to select courses within the subject area of the agreement between your home university and UiB.
You are allowed to take courses across different department/faculties (mainly open). Check the course academic requirements before you apply.
Admission to restricted courses/courses at a higher academic level cannot be granted unless the student have previous knowledge and the required academic background.
Inquiries regarding course content, must be addressed to the respective faculty or department. You will find the contact information in the course description.
The following subject areas have very limited capacity and students who are nominated on an exchange agreement in these subject areas will be prioritised:
- Earth Sciences (GEOV)
- Biological Sciences (BIO)
Only students who are nominated on an agreement within the following subject area can apply for courses under it:
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Music - Performance and Composition
- Fine Art
- Design
Course options not listed in the course list
Fine Art, Music and Design
The majority of the courses in Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD) are restricted and have limited capacity. Only students who are nominated for exchange through an agreement with KMD may apply/be admitted.
For more information about the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, contact the exchange coordinator at
Courses taught in Norwegian
If you are proficient in one of the Scandinavian languages, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, you can apply for courses taught in Norwegian. To document your proficiency, you must upload one of the following documents to Søknadsweb:
- Transcript of records from high school or university level, which shows that you fulfill the language requirements.
- Your passport from Norway, Sweden or Denmark
Send an email to to add the course to your application. Course name and code must be mentioned.
Other alternative study options
If you are not planning to register for regular courses at UiB, you can indicate this by selecting one of the following alternatives from the course list at Søknadsweb:
- Clinical rotation: Choose this option if you are applying for clinical training through an agreement with the Faculty of Medicine. Read more about exchange in medicine.
- UNIS Svalbard: Choose this option if you are applying to UNIS next semester. Apply to both UiB and UNIS by 15 April/15 October.
- Project or study plans: Choose this option if you have organised to take part in other academic activities like thesis research or lab work. E-mail the name of your contact person at UiB to when you have completed your online application. You will not be granted credits for thesis/project work.
How many courses you can apply for
A full semester workload in Norway is equivalent to 30 ECTS credits. We expect and recommend that you plan for approximately this number of credits per semester, unless you have agreed on another number with your home university. You do not have to ask UiB for permission if you wish to take more than 30 ECTS.
In Søknadsweb you can apply for maximum four restricted courses.
Norwegian language courses
Exchange students can apply for Norwegian Language courses at different levels. The courses have limited capacity and are free of charge. You apply for these courses after you have been given access to our online registration system Studentweb in June/December.
Read more about language courses for international students
Contact if you have any further questions.
Course schedule and exam dates
The course schedule and exam dates will be posted on 1 July for the autumn semester/1 December for the spring semester.
We advise you to check the course schedules to avoid course overlap and that you have enough time to get from lecture to lecture, especially if you’re taking courses at different faculties.
If necessary, you can add and remove courses after we have given you access to our online registration system, Studentweb, in June/December.
Grading scale
The official grading system in Norway is based on the ECTS grading scale. A-E are passing grades and F is fail.
Some courses will also be graded in the "pass/fail" scale with only two results. The scale is not connected to the letter grades, and the exam result will not be converted in connection with recognition.
The University of Bergen will not convert your credits and grades in connection with recognition in your home institution.
All transcripts will include a full description of the criteria for each grade.
Students at third cycle (PhD students)
If you are a third cycle student (PhD student), you may take courses at master level or have an individual research or training provided that you have found a supervisor at UiB before the application deadline.
Select the option for Project instead of courses in Søknadweb. Name of prospective UIB supervisor must be emailed to after completing your application.