Division of Research and Innovation
Call | Ukrainett+

Seed funding for project development and research cooperation aimed at Ukraine-related research

The Ukrainett+ project (2024–2026) has allocated funds to stimulate research project development and cooperation involving Norwegian and Ukrainian researchers and institutions. The next deadline will be 1st November 2024.

Main content

Ukrainett+ is an RCN-funded project that aims to expand and consolidate cooperation between Norwegian and Ukrainian institutions of research and higher education, and to stimulate research on Ukraine.

Ukrainett+ will announce seed funding twice a year in the period 2024–2026. The total sum allocated to the six planned calls is NOK 400,000. Maximum funding for each application is NOK 50,000. The funds in the present call must be utilised by the end of 2025.

A Norwegian institution must be the applicant and project coordinator. At least two institutions should be involved in the collaboration, and both Ukrainian and Norwegian institutions must be represented.

Funding may cover travel, seminars and other activities related to network-building and project development. The activities to be funded should include concrete plans for applications to external funding sources. The research topic should be related to Ukraine/Ukrainian Studies.

Assessment criteria

  • Academic quality
  • Relevance to the call
  • The activity’s contribution to strengthening research cooperation between Ukraine and Norway
  • Feasibility (activity plan and budget)

The applications will be evaluated by two external peer reviewers before the steering group of Ukrainett+ makes allocation decisions 6–9 weeks after the deadline.

Application deadline: 1st of November 2024

How to apply? Find the application form here.

All recipients of funding are required to submit a brief report no later than 2 months after the end of the project. The report should describe the academic results and benefits of the seed funding. A simple template for reporting will be sent to those who are granted funding.