Juridification and social citizenship
Researchproject funded by The Research Council of Norway as a part of the VAM-programme (Welfare, Working Life and Migration). The project is coordinated by The Faculty of Law, UiB, in cooperation with CMI Christian Michelsen Institute, UNI Research Rokkan Centre, The Bergen University College and The University of Stavanger.
Main content
- Henriette Sinding Aasen (project leader, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen)
- Siri Gloppen (Department of comparative politics/Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI)
- Roberto Gargarella (Buenos Aires University/CMI)
- Anne-Mette Magnussen (Bergen University College)
- Even Nilssen (Uni Rokkan Centre/Bergen University College)
- Ingrid Rindal Lundeberg (Uni Rokkan Centre)
- Kristian Mjåland (Uni Rokkan Centre)
- Tine Eidsvaag (Faculty of Law, University of Bergen)
- Alice Kjellevold (University of Stavanger)
- Hugo Stokke (CMI)
International partners
- Silke Bothfeld (Hochschule Bremen, Germany)
- Pilar Domingo (Overseas Development Institute, UK)
- Jackie Dugard (University of Witwatersrand, South-Africa)
- Octavio Ferraz (Warwick University, UK)
- Varun Gauri (World Bank)
- Kirsten Ketscher (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Wibo van Rossum (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)