Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
PhD education at the Faculty for Science and Technology

Doctoral education (PhD) at the Faculty for Science and Technology

Your choice of the University of Bergen for your doctoral education has brought you to an international research university. The Faculty of Science and Technology offers doctoral education (PhD) within the following disciplines: biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and technology, informatics, mathematics, molecular biology and geophysics. We also offer doctoral training in collaboration with several partner institutions.

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Thor Brødreskift

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Research is the foundation on which the University builds all other activities in which it engages. Research contributes to knowledge growth and development and this, in turn, serves as the basis for facing challenges, solving problems, and making the changes needed in our local and global communities. Education must build on the best possible research.

The University of Bergen offers high quality doctoral education in a range of disciplines. As a PhD candidate, you will meet good research environments where you will take your position as a member of a research group with one or more academic advisors. The University hosts excellent research environments in a broad variety of subject areas and there is ample opportunity for inter- and multidisciplinarity.

Please take a look at the links below for more information regarding the doctoral education (PhD). 

We expect our PhD candidates to be engaged with not only local and national, but also international and global challenges. This requires willingness to adopt interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives.

A doctoral degree awarded by the University of Bergen will be a testimony to your success in winning new knowledge, developing new skills, and gaining broad expertise, all of which qualify you for a multifaceted professional career outside the university or for further academic pursuits.