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The Research Council of Norway is supporting the establishment of the Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network with NOK 1 million. This is the first time SDG Bergen is partner in a research grant.
Medieval philologist Helen Leslie-Jacobsen is one of four young, outstanding researchers in Norway who will participate in the Young CAS Fellow programme. She will do research on medieval ballads from the Faroe Islands.
On World Wildlife Day 3 March 2021, the University of Bergen becomes the first Norwegian institution and first university worldwide to join the European Commission’s Global Coalition United for Biodiversity.
Is investing in coastal and marine ecosystem restoration and protection the way to stimulate the blue economy post COVID-19? This was one of the questions in a special parallel session on coastal communities at the 2021 SDG Conference Bergen.
The University of Bergen receives nine Individual Fellowship grants from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for 2020. Five grants go to The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
A global audience of more than 2,600 watched as Norway’s Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide opened the 2021 SDG Conference Bergen discussing issues of climate change, stable institutions and inequality as the conference went virtual – and viral.
REV Ocean and the University of Bergen (UiB) signed an agreement February 16th which marks the beginning of an ambitious partnership focused on innovative ocean solutions and support for a sustainable ocean economy.
The UN Ocean Science Decade gets off to a flying start through the University of Bergen’s new interdisciplinary SEAS Fellowship Programme. For the next 5 years, UiB will be training a new generation of marine research leaders and decision makers to ensure sustainable oceans.
In her native Norway, young law scholar Sofie Høgestøl is a media pundit on US politics. However, her interests go way further than that and she was delighted to be asked to moderate the fourth SDG Conference Bergen.
How and why does psychosis play a role when defining someone as criminally insane and lacking capacity for responsible action? Professor Linda Gröning at The Faculty of Law has been given 12 million NOK from The Research Council of Norway to learn more about the nuances of this question.
New type of analysis show for the first time how people who lived between 100,000 and 70,000 years ago organised their campsites and settlements. The results can explain why these people developed the ability to make jewellery and objects of art.
Researcher at the University of Bergen, Mimi E. Lam, has just published a comment about the impacts of emerging Covid-19 behavioural identities.
UV-radiation can affect hormone levels of postmenopausal women negatively and this may contribute to several health issues.
25 of the leading academic environments at the University of Bergen (UiB) have applied to the Norwegian Centres of Excellence scheme (SFF).
Building on years of collaboration with institutions of research and higher education, the University of Bergen ends year with funding for a record number of new projects with partner institutions in the South.
14 projects from the University of Bergen have received funding for a total value of 290 million Norwegian kroner from the NORHED II programme.
The University of Bergen is involved in four new projects to receive funding from the Worldwide Universities Network’s Research Development Fund, which focusses on global challenges towards the 2030 Agenda.
Professor Elisabeth Ivarsflaten receives the ERC Consolidator Grant for the project "INCLUDE". The project addresses one of the most fundamental challenges of our time; how to live peacefully together as diverse societies.
