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Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Nele Meckler, Ragnhild Muriaas, and Inga Berre have been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
At the Diplomacy 2.0 event, Joanna Siekiera from the University of Bergen spoke on the subject of water diplomacy as a field of science diplomacy.
“It is vital for Norway to have a national action plan for the Sustainable Development Goals and only natural for academia to inhabit a key role by contributing with research-based knowledge and critical thinking on the goals,” says Vice-Rector Annelin Eriksen at the University of Bergen.
A global alliance of leading climate research universities is urging the G20 countries to embrace a build back better strategy for the post-pandemic recovery. This includes prioritising net zero emissions and planning for a more circular economy.
How can scientific knowledge on the treasures of the ocean contribute to informing policy? This was the key topic at the second Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference.
Every year, several countries present their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) to show their progress in implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. But how can science play an integral part in these proceedings?
Humans are the only species that uses symbols to express quantities, and researchers now want to find out why number systems vary so much between cultures.
The launch at the University Aula concluded with two large panels representing the diversity of scientific milieus tackling global challenges in Bergen. Together they will work to make Bergen the place of choice for students seeking knowledge and skills to help solve global challenges.
How does Covid-19 affect sperm and thus the next generation´s immune system? Researchers from the University of Bergen are collecting sperm to find the answer.
On UN Day 2018 – 24 October, the University of Bergen was announced as the official UNAI Hub for SDG14 – Life below water. Two years on, we look at what has been achieved during this time.
A new interdisciplinary project to create research leaders for marine sustainability is a prime part of the University of Bergen’s engagement with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Earthquakes may occur due to human activities, thousands of metres below the Earth’s crust. A new centre at the University of Bergen will find out more about how the substratum has been deformed.
Professor Ragnhild Muriaas at the University of Bergen started her working career as a DJ. Now she investigates what strings must be played in politics to make a footprint.
Persons with critical corona-disease may have antibodies blocking the body´s most important defence mechanisms.
At the official launch of the One Ocean Expedition on board tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl, several speakers highlighted the need to educate the future leaders in sustainable ocean management. In this regard, the University of Bergen plays a key role during the expedition.
A new initiative has been launched at the University of Bergen to strengthen critical thinking on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the university's education.
How can the ocean provide knowledge and research for the medicine and food of the future? The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the world community that biodiversity is key to securing solutions for the future and how dependent we are of the secrets of the ocean.
Inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic, UiB researchers present five principles for model quality.
