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Near the end of the last ice age, the global sea level rose 12–14 meters in less than 350 years. Most of the meltwater has been thought to have come from North America and Antarctica. A new study shows that the ice over coastal Norway and the Barents Sea may have contributed almost as much.
New research suggests that current models critically underestimate the uncertainties when predicting future irrigated areas.
How does life thrive there without photosynthesis? The diversity of marine life in these systems is surprising.
The research programme GRIP has launched a series of interviews on global inequality as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The report provides an insight to our exciting activities taking place throughout the calendar year.
In the world today, malnutrition is a bigger problem than hunger. Researchers hope that a small freshwater fish may prove to be packed with important micronutrients.
UiB professor Hakan G. Sicakkan’s newly launched project Protect will study refugees’ rights to international protection. A vital moment for projects like Protect, UN Refugee Agency says.
In a meeting on biological diversity on the high seas, scientists and other actors gave valuable advice to representatives from Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs before final negotiations on regulation of natural resources outside of national jurisdiction.
Christoph Trattner actually wanted to be a chef. Now, he wants to help you avoid digital junk food.
The archaeologists who found the world's oldest man-made drawing are back in the South African fields in search of new discoveries. Follow their day-to-day blog and see what happens when they experiment with heat and fire to get a better understanding of how humans lived 100 000 years ago.
In a special workshop during the SDG Conference Bergen a group of leading international researchers presented their visions for improving science advice to decision-makers.
The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) is confirmed as pandemic by WHO, 11. march. To what extent should we fear the coronavirus? We have asked virus expert Professor Rebecca Cox.
Moving from inaction to action was the overarching theme at the third national SDG Conference Bergen in February 2020. The debate was on what role technology can play to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
The SDG Bergen Policy Briefs series was presented to researchers gathered for a workshop on science diplomacy at the 2020 SDG Conference Bergen.
Action was the key word at the 2020 SDG Conference Bergen, the national conference for the university sector in Norway. Stream the entire conference here.
Four SDG14 targets are maturing in 2020 and with the University of Bergen's leadership in ocean science and sustainability, the university will take these targets to decision-makers over the course of the upcoming year.
– Most often the priviliged are the winners in politics, and who is priviliged depends on gender, says professor Ragnhild Muriaas, who has lead the research project Money Talks.
When newborn babies with low birth weight are held close to their mother´s bodies throughout the day, their chance of survival increases substantially.
