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A UiB-led study published in Cell Systems reveals that all cellular power plants - our mitochondria, plant chloroplasts, and more - have evolved according to a universal set of rules.
The Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology at the University of Bergen will be placed in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, effective January 1st, 2023.
Professor Scott Rettberg and associate professor Ingrid Halland receive 12 million each from the Research Council of Norway for projects at the intersection between technology and aesthetics.
See all the projects to be led by researchers from the University of Bergen here.
The SapienCE paper about a trapped artefact became the top ten most downloaded articles in the journal Geoarchaeology this year. The study demonstrates how the creative use of unconventional research methods turned an unfortunate archaeological sampling event into a scientific success story.
Nancy Pelosi was in Taiwan for barely a day. China responded with a massive military exercise in the waters around the island. What is Chinas mission? Postdoc fellow in Chinese studies and Taiwan expert Julia Marinaccio explains.
“Sustainable use of wild species is key to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” says Professor Jeppe Kolding at the University of Bergen. He is one of 87 international experts co-writing a new report out Friday 8 July 2022.
A new research center at UiB will provide diabetes patients with more precise diagnoses and better treatment of the disease. "Most diabetes patients live good lives. But diagnosis and treatment can be better, and we wish to contribute to that", says center manager Pål R. Njølstad.
On Monday the 30th of May the Norwegian minister of health, Ingvild Kjerkol, opened the Western Norway Research Center for Antimicrobial Resistance (CAMRIA). The cooperation between UiB, Haukeland University Hospital, Stavanger University Hospital and the Trond Mohn Foundation will contribute to fight the challenge of antibiotic resistance.
The online exhibition presents works-in-process of young scientists from the EvoCELL network. The researchers are studying animal evolution from a cellular perspective, by applying cutting-edge technologies to uncover a previously invisible world.
At the 2022 Coimbra Group Annual Conference in Padova, Margareth Hagen, the rector of the University of Bergen was elected to the Rectors` Advisory Group.
Today, the Holberg Prize was conferred upon Professor Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University, by HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway. Norwegian Minister of Research and Higher Education Ola Borten Moe conferred the Nils Klim Prize upon Associate Professor Elisa Uusimäki, Aarhus University.
The University of Bergen has produced the special Sustainable Ocean Series, which has now been translated into all six official United Nations languages, spoken by almost three billion people daily.
In a solemn ceremony in the University Hall, the eight new honorary doctors at UiB were honored. They received the award for their outstanding work for science.
New insights into the evolutionary origins of unique African high mountain botanical diversity published in PNAS.
The Norwegian government allocates 1,000 extra places to universities and higher education institutions. UiB has received 125 of these. - We are well prepared and look forward to welcoming the students, says Rector.
The University Museum in Bergen won prestigious European price for museums for the way they welcome their audience.
The academic communities within the fields of pharmacy, computer science and interprofessional workplace learning in health want to become Centres for Excellence in Education (SFU). The initiative aims to strengthen the development of educational quality in many fields.
