Cross-National Positive Youth Development Network (CN-PYD)


Publications & Dissemination of the PYD project

Main content

Books, Book Chapters & Papers

Adams, B. G., Wiium, N., & Abubakar, A. (2018). Developmental assets and academic performance of adolescents in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. Positive Youth Development across Cultures. Special Issue, Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 207-222.

Beck, M., & Wiium, N. (2019). Promoting academic achievement within a positive youth development framework. Norsk Epidemiologi, 28(1-2). https://doi.org/10.5324/nje.v28i1-2.3054

Branquinho, C., Tomé, G., Gómez-Baya, D., & Matos, M. G. D. (2019). Participação social e o protagonismo jovem, num país em mudança de paradigma.  Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, 10(1), 241-251.

Chen, B.-B., & Han, W. (2017). Ecological assets and academic procrastination among adolescents: The mediating role of commitment to learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 8,1-6.

Chen, B.-B., Li, X., & Chen, N. (2016). Positive youth development in China. In R. Dimitrova (Ed.), Well-being of youth and emerging adults across cultures: Novel approaches and findings from Europe, Asia, Africa and America (pp. 35-49). New York: Springer.

Chen, B.-B., Wiium, N., & Dimitrova, R. (2017). A life history approach to understanding developmental assets among Chinese adolescents. Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 155-169.

Chen, B.-B., Wiium, N., & Dimitrova, R. (2018). Factor structure of positive youth development: Contributions of exploratory structural equation modeling. Personality and Individual Differences, 114, 12–15.

Chen, B. -B., Wiium, N., Dimitrova, R., & Chen, N. (2019). The relationships between family, school and community support and boundaries and student engagement among Chinese adolescents. Current Psychology, 38, 705-714. doi:1007/s12144-017-9646-0

Dimitrova, R. (2016). Positive youth development of immigrant children and youth: Why bother? International Psychology Bulletin, 21, 36-38.

Dimitrova, R., & Ferrer-Wreder, L. (2016). Positive youth development of Roma ethnic minority across Europe. In N. Cabrera & Leyendecker, B. (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Development of Minority Children (pp. 307-320). NY, USA: Springer

Dost-Gözkan, A., Kozina, A., Stefenel, D., & Wiium, N. (2021). External developmental assets and positive identity among emerging adults in Norway, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:656972. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.656972

Dutra-Thomé, L., & Koller, S.H. (2018). Positive development and protective and risk factors among Brazilians in transition to adulthood: An integrative approach. Positive Youth Development across Cultures. Special Issue, Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 171-185.

Fernandes, D., Pivec, T., Dost-Gözkan, A., Uka, F., Gaspar de Matos, M., & Wiium, N.(2021) Global overview of youth development: Comparison of the 5Cs and developmental assets across six countries. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:685316. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685316

Ferrer-Wreder, L., Eichas, K., Stefenel, D., Buzea, C., & Wiium, N. (2021). The importance of positive psychological strengths in well-being and adjustment of Romanian emerging adults: A pattern and variable-oriented approach. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:659300. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.659300

Gómez Baya, D., & Benítez Montagut, I. (2019) Activos del desarrollo y desarrollo positivo juvenil en una muestra de jóvenes españoles. Retrieved from http://rabida.uhu.es/dspace/handle/10272/16502

Gomez-Baya, D., & Gillham, J. E. (2018). The Emergence of Positive Education. In J.A. Muniz & C. Pulido, The Routledge Handbook of Positive Communication: Contributions of an Emerging Community of Research on Communication for Happiness and Social Change, pp 327-337. NY: Routledge.

Gomez-Baya, D., Reis, M., & Gaspar De Matos, M. (2019). Positive youth development, thriving and social engagement: An analysis of gender differences in Spanish youth. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12577 

Gomez-Baya, D., Tomé, G., Reis, M., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2020). Long-term self-regulation moderates the role of internal resources for resilience in positive youth development in Portugal. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2020.1735986

Gomez-Baya, D., Santos, T., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2021) Developmental assets and positive youth development: an examination of gender differences in Spain, Applied Developmental Science, DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2021.1906676

Kozina, A., Wiium, N., Gonzalez, J-M., & Dimitrova, R. (2018). Positive youth development and academic achievement in Slovenia. Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 223-240.

Kozina, A., Gomez-Baya, D., Gaspar de Matos, M., Tome, G., & Wiium, N. (2021). The association between the 5Cs and anxiety—insights from three countries: Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:668049. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.668049

Kozina, A., Wiium, N., & Pivec, T. (2021). Positive youth development perspective: The interplay between the 5Cs and anxiety. In C. Pracana and M. Wang (Eds). Psychology Applications & Developments VI, (pp. 173-182). Lisboa: InScience Press.

Manrique-Millones, D., Wiium, N., Pineda-Marín, C., Fernández-Arata, M., Alfonso-Murcia, D., López-Martínez, J. L., & Millones-Rivalles, R. (2021). Association between substance use behaviors, developmental assets and mental health: A glance at Latin American young college students. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:639578. https://doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.639578

Matos, M.G., Santos, T. & Reis, M. (2017). BePositive Project: Positive Youth Development (PYD) in adolescents. Lambert, Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-330-06859-9

Matos, M. G., Santos, T., & Reis, M. (2017). BePositive Project: Positive Youth Development (PYD) in adolescents – Portuguese report. USA: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Matos, M.G., Santos, T., Reis, M., Goméz-Baya, D., & Marques, A. (2018). Positive Youth Development in Portugal: a tool towards gender equity?. ARC Journal of Pediatrics, 4(1), 25-35. DOI: 10.20431/2455-5711.0401004

Matos, M. G., Santos, T., Reis, M., & Marques, A. (2018). Positive youth development in Portugal: Interactions with psychosocial variables. Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 1, 1005.

Matos, M.G., Santos, T., Reis, M., & Marques, A. (2018). Positive Youth Development: Interactions between healthy lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial variables. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(4), 68-76, doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v10n4p68

Matos, M. G., Santos, T., Reis, M., & Marques, A. (2017). Positive youth development in Portugal: A tool for peace and youth engagement? In Milcu, M., Stevens, M., & Dahl, I., (Eds.), Modern Research in Health, Education and Social Sciences. From Evaluation to Intervention (pp. 403-410). Editura Universitara, Bucarest. doi:10.5682/9786062806941

Matos, M.G., Santos, T., Reis, M., Marques, A., Tomé, G., Simões, C., & Wiium, N. (2018). Portuguese validation of the Positive Youth Development Short Form (PYD-SF): A Shorten Version. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 19(3), 477-489.

Miconi, D., Dervishi, E., Wiium, N., Johnson-Lafleur, J., Ibrahimi, S., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Egyptian and Roma adolescents' perspectives on their developmental assets in Albania during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 576–594. https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12665

Pivec, T., Kozina, A., Wiium, N., & Uka, F. (2021). Are the 5Cs of positive youth development related to risky behaviours?  Analysis across countries. In C. Pracana and M. Wang (Eds). Psychology Applications & Developments VI, (pp. 194-203). Lisboa:InScience Press.

Tomé, G., Matos, M.G., Camacho, I., Gomes, P., Reis, M., Branquinho, C., Gomez-Baya, & Wiium, N. (2019). Positive youth development (PYD-SF): Validação para os adolescentes Portugueses [Positive youth development (PYD-SF): Validation for Portuguese adolescents]. PSICOLOGIA, SAÚDE & DOENÇAS, 20(3), 556-568.

Wiium, N. (2017). Thriving and contribution among emerging adults in Ghana. In Dimitrova, R. (Ed.), Well-being of youth and emerging adults across cultures (pp.75-93). NY: Springer.

Wiium, N., & Dimitrova, R. (2019). Positive Youth Development across cultures: Introduction to the special issue. Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 147-153.

Wiium, N., Dost-Gözkan, A., & Kosic, M. (2018). Developmental assets among young people in three European contexts. Child & Youth Care Forum, 48, 187-206.

Wiium, N., Ferrer-Wreder, L., Chen, B-B., & Dimitrova, R. (2019). Gender and positive youth development advancing sustainable development goals in Ghana. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 227, 134-138.

Wiium, N., Beck, M., & Ferrer-Wreder, L. (2021). The importance of developmental assets to mental health in Norwegian youth. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:687537. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.687537


In progress (Books, Book Chapters & Papers)

Svirydzenka, N. & Sharshakova, T. (in progress). Positive Youth Development in Belarus: Trends and outcomes.

Tomé, G., Matos, M.G., Reis, M., Gomez-Baya, D., Cerqueira, A. & Wiium, N. (submitted). Positive youth development and mental health among Portuguese adolescents. European Review of Applied Psychology.

Wiium, N., & Uka, F. (in press). Positive Youth Development: An empirical study of Roma youth. In Dimitrova, R., Sam, D., & Ferrer-Wreder, L. (Eds.), Roma Minority Youth across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy and Practice, Oxford University Press.

Presentations at International Conferences

Chen. B-B., Wium, N., & Dimitrova, R. Factor structure of positive youth development among Chinese adolescents: Contributions of exploratory structural equation modeling. Society for Research on Adolescence Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 2018, USA.

Dimitrova, R. (2016). Positive Youth Development across European culturally diverse populations. 20 IAAH Congress European Social Media and Adolescent Health, Pristina, 2016, Kosovo.

Dimitrova, R., & Wiium, N. (Chairs). Positive adaptation of young people with different cultural background in a global perspective. Symposium at the 25th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, Gold Coast, 2018, Australia.

Dimitrova, R., Wiium, N., Buzea, C., Kosic, M., & Stefenel, D. Positive Youth Development in Bulgaria, Italy, Norway and Romania: Testing the factorial structure and measurement invariance of the 5Cs. Symposium at the 25th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, Gold Coast, 2018, Australia.

Dimitrova, R., Wiium, N., Kosic, M., & Stefenel, D. (2016). Factorial structure of the PYD 5C model across Europe. 20 IAAH Congress European Social Media and Adolescent Health, Pristina, 2016, Kosovo.

Dost-Gözkân, A., Ergin, C., & Wiium, N. (2017). External developmental assets and identity dimensions among Turkish emerging adults: The mediating role of self-evaluations. 8th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Washington DC, 2017, USA.

Dost-Gözkan, A., & Wiium, N. (2017). The links between developmental assets and positive outcomes among Norwegian and Turkish youth. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, 2017, The Netherlands.

Dost-Gözkân, A., & Wiium, N. (2018). Developmental assets, identity statuses and identity processes: An examination in two studies. SSEA Thematic Conference: Self and Identıty in Emergıng Adulthood, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, Romania.

Dutra-Thomé, L. (2018). Positive Youth Development of young people with different cultural background in a global perspective. 25th ISSBD meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, 2018, Australia.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Positive youth development and social contribution in Spain. Oral communication presented in V Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de la Salud, Madrid, 2018, Spain.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Developmental assets profile in Spanish youth: reliability and validity analyses. Oral communication presented in V Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de la Salud, Madrid, 2018, Spain.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Positive youth development and correlates in psychological adjustment in a sample of Spanish young people. Poster presented in V Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de la Salud, Madrid, 2018, Spain.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Developmental Assets and Positive Youth Development in A Sample of Spanish Young People. Oral communication presented in 9ºCongresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, 2018, Portugal.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Positive Youth Development and Academic Performance in a Sample of Spanish Young People. Poster presented in 9ºCongresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, 2018, Portugal.

Gomez-Baya, D. (2018). Positive Youth Development and Healthy Life-Styles in Spain. Poster presented in 9ºCongresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, 2018, Portugal.

Gómez-Baya, D., Gaspar De Matos, M., & Wiium, N. (2017). Positive Youth Development as protector against substance abuse in Spain. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Seville, 2017, Spain.

Gomez-Baya, D., & Martin-Gomez, C. (2018). Psychological adjustment and developmental assets: Validation study with a sample of Spanish Youth. Poster presented in 11th International congress and 16th National of Clinical Psychology, Granada, 2018, Spain.

Gomez-Baya, D., Reis, M., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2019). Desarrollo positivo juvenil, ajuste psicosocial y estilos de vida: Análisis de las diferencias de género en una muestra de jóvenes españoles. Oral communication presented in V Congresso Ibero-Americano e Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saude e I Congresso Promoçao da Saude e do Bem-Estar no Ensino Superior, Faro, 2019, Portugal.

Gomez-Baya, D., Santos, T., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2019). Diferencias de género en los activos del desarrollo y las competencias de desarrollo positivo juvenil en España. Poster presented in V Congresso Ibero-Americano e Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saude e I Congresso Promoçao da Saude e do Bem-Estar no Ensino Superior, Faro, 2019, Portugal.

Gómez-Baya, D., Santos, T., Reis, M., Marques, A., & Gaspar De Matos, M. (2017). Positive Youth Development in the Iberian Peninsula: A descriptive analysis of a 5-competence model in Portugal and Spain. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Seville, 2017, Spain.

González, J-M., Dominiguez Espinoza, A. D., Kozina, A., & Wiium, N. (2017). Non-U.S. measures of positive youth development: Preliminary finding from México and Slovenia. XXXVI Congreso Interamericano de Psicología "Inclusión y equidad para el bienestar en las Américas", Mérida, 2017, Mexico.

González, J-M., Kozina, A., & Wiium, N. (2017). Short-form measure of positive youth development: psychometrics and preliminary findings in Slovenia. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, 2017, The Netherlands.

Hirnstein., M., Kurtovic, A., & Vrdoljak, G. (2019, August). Relations between contribution to school and community, self-regulation, achievement and depression. Poster presented at the 18th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), Aachen, Germany.

Hirnstein., M., Kurtovic, A., & Vrdoljak, G. (2020, October). Are boys more confident? Are girls more caring? Gender and educational level differences in domains of Positive Youth Development among Croatian youth. Paper presented at the 22nd Psychology Days, Zadar, Croatia.

Hirnstein., M., Kurtovic, A., & Vrdoljak, G. (2020, September). What are you worried about? Relations between developmental assets and future worries in youth. 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA 2020), Porto, Portugal.

Hirnstein., M., Kurtovic, A., Vrdoljak, G., & Wiium, N. (2020, November). Who helps? Relations of contribution to community, family, friends, and school activities with the 5Cs of the positive youth development. Paper presented at the 21st conference in social and community psychology, Bergen, Norway.

Kozina, A., Wiium, N., & Gonzalez, J-M. (2018). Connection, confidence, caring and character as predictors of PISA math achievement. 9th European conference on Positive Psychology, Budapest, 2018, Hungary.

Kozina, A., Wiium, N., & Gonzalez, J-M. (2018). Positive youth development (PYD) in Slovenia: Educational perspective. 13th Alps Adria Psychology Conference, Ljubljana, 2018, Slovenia.

Matos, M. G., Santos, T., Reis, M., Marques, A., & “Aventura Social” Team (2016). BePositive Positive Youth Development (PYD) in adolescents - Portuguese report. FMH/UL; ISPA; FM/ISAMB, Aventura Social, University of Bergen, Norway.

Matos, M. G, Santos, T., Reis, M., Marques, A., & Equipa Aventura Social (2017). BePositive: Positive Youth Development (PYD) in adolescents - Portuguese report. VIII Congresso Internacional De Psicologia Da Criança E Do Adolescente: Desafios da sociedade global - do nascimento ao 1º emprego, Lusíada, 2017, Portugal.

Matos, M. G, Santos, T., Reis, M., Marques, A. & Equipa Aventura Social (2016). BePositive: Positive Youth Development (PYD) in adolescents - Portuguese report. II Congresso Ibérico de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde “O Tempo De Todas As Incertezas/El Tiempo De Todas Las Incertidumbres”, Lisboa, 2016, Portugal.

Qumseya, T., González, J-M., Karl, J., & Wiium, N. (2017). Internal and external developmental assets among Arab Palestinian youth in the Palestinian territory. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, 2017, The Netherlands.

Svirydzenka, N., Sharshakova, T., Wiium, N., & Dimitrova. R. Positive youth development and developmental assets of emerging adults in Belarus. Modern Approaches for Better Health. 7th International Congress at Gomel State University, 2018, Belarus.

Svirydzenka, N., Sharshakova, T., Wiium, N., & Dimitrova. R. Positive youth development and developmental assets of emerging adults in Belarus. Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood 9th Congress, Toronto, 2019, Canada.

Uka, F., Berxulli, D., Hasani, A., Peci, B., Taravari, G., & Wiium, N. (2018). The influence of internal and external assets on Positive Youth Development among Albanian adolescents in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. 25th ISSBD meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, 2018, Australia.

Vrdoljak, G., Kurtovic, A., Babic-Cikes, A., & Hirnstein, M. (2020, September). Developmental assets’ protecting potential against risk behaviours in youth – differential effects by gender and educational level. Poster presented at the 17th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA 2020), Porto, Portugal.

Wiium, N. (Keynote). Positive Development among Young People: Seeking out Unheard Voices – Presented at Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Virtual 2021.

Wiium, N. (Keynote). Positive Development among Young People in a Global Context – 3rd International Conference on Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Rights, Pristina, Kosovo, 2020.

Wiium, Nora. Mental health among youth in Norway: The role of developmental assets. 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology; Athens, Greece, 2019.

Wiium, Nora. Character development and thriving among youth in Ghana, SRCD 2019 Biennial Meeting; Baltimore, USA, 2019.

Wiium, N., & Dimitrova, R. (Chairs). Positive adaptation of young people with different cultural background in a global perspective. 25th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, Gold Coast, 2018, Australia.

Wiium, N. (2017). Positive youth development in Europe and other non-US contexts. 8th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, 2017, The Netherlands.

Wiium, N. (2016). Risk behaviors among young people: The role of social support. 9th European Public Health Conference, Vienna, 2016, Austria.

Wiium, N., Kosic, M., & Dost-Gözkan, A. (2016). Developmental assets among young people in the European context: Preliminary findings from Norway, Italy and Turkey. 20th European IAAH Congress, Pristina, 2016, Kosovo.

Wiium, N. (2015). Positive youth development: an empirical study of young people in Ghana and Norway. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Braga, 2015, Portugal.

                                         Bachelor's, Master's & Professional Psychology theses

Developmental assets and academic performance in Ghanaian adolescents. Bachelor’s Thesis, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2019 (Candidate: Leo Sedem; Supervisor: Laura Ferrer-Wreder).

Job crafting in youth. Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Jennie Ims Hagen, Julia Aleksandra Kowalewska-Gawełda & Heidi Rise; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Positiv Ungdomsutvikling og Mentalt Velvære: De fem C-ene for positiv ungdomsutvikling korrelerer positivt med mentalt velvære (Positive Youth Development and Mental Well-being: The five Cs of positive youth development correlate positively with mental well-being). Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Ingerid E. Stepaschko, Tiril S. Strand & Sterre D. Vaartjes; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Mot en bedre forståelse av unges psykiske helse med bruk av to-faktormodellen: Faktorer som kan assosieres med velvære og depresjon hos elever og studenter (Towards a better understanding of young people's mental health with the use of the two-factor model: Factors that can be associated with well-being and depression in pupils and students). Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Emilie Andreassen, Åshild Røen & Mari Dale Sellevold; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Betydningen av positiv ungdomsutvikling for unges bekymringer for fremtiden (The importance of positive youth development to young people's worries about the future). Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Cathrine Høgenes, Sofie Undheim Irgens-Hagevik & Tina Aimée Saltskår; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Bekymringer om fremtiden og velvære blant ungdom (Concerns about the future and well-being among young people). Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Alexandra Savinova, Juni Tvedt Hoven & Inger Storstein Øxnevad; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Hvilke bekymringer har du? Forholdet mellom ungdommers utviklingsressurser og deres bekymringer for fremtiden (What are your concerns? The relationship between young people's developmental assets and their concerns for the future). Bachelor’s thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021. (Candidates: Rebecca Vederhus, Tine Marie Stabbetorp & Nikola Dluzak; Supervisor: Marina Hirnstein)

Master’s thesis: Sammenheng mellom job crafting og positiv ungdomsutvikling blant elever i den norske skole (Association between job crafting and positive youth development among students in Norwegian school). Master’s Thesis, Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, Norway, 2021 (Candidate: Katrine Ulstein).

Master/Professional Psychology thesis: Ressurser som beskyttelse? Psykososiale vansker blant ungdommer i ulike familiestrukturer (Resources as protective factors? Psychosocial difficulties among adolescents in different family structures). Professional Psychology Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 2020 (Candidate: Anne Kari Jekteberg Nordpoll).

Positiv ungdomsutvikling og norske ungdommers bidrag til miljøet (Positive youth development and Norwegian youth's contribution to the environment). Master’s Thesis, Department of Health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, Norway, 2019. (Candidate: Maria Bøhlerengen; Supervisor: Nora Wiium).

Positiv ungdomsutvikling:Utviklingsressurser og risikoatferd hos norsk ungdom (Positive youth development: Developmental assets and risk behaviours among Norwegian youth). Professional Psychology Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 2019. (Candidates: Sahar Issa & Mali Frøshaug Rossland; Supervisor: Nora Wiium)

Positiv Ungdomsutvikling: Utviklingsressurser og Trivsel hos Norsk Ungdom (Positive Youth Development: Developmental Assets and Triving among Norwegian Youth). Professional Psychology Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 2019. (Candidates: Sofia Knutsen Nag & Nilei Kattarina Huang; Supervisor: Nora Wiium).

Positiv Ungdomsutvikling: Sammenheng mellom Utviklingsressurser, Kjønn og Akademisk Prestasjon” (Positive Youth Development: Associations between Developmental Assets, Gender and Academic Achievement). Professional Psychology Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 2018. (Candidate: Marianne Beck; Supervisor: Nora Wiium).

Ressurser som Rustning? -En Undersøkelse av Sammenheng mellom Utviklingsressurser, Tristhet og Selvmordsforsøk hos Norsk Ungdom (Resources like Protection? -An Investigation of the link between Development assets, Sadness and Attempted Suicide among Norwegian youth). Professional Psychology Thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 2017. (Candidate: Atla Marie Furuholmen Kvalem; Supervisor: Nora Wiium).

                                                            Project Report