Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Research Group

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 ADDIN EN.REFLIST Alonso-Alconada, L., L. Muinelo-Romay, K. Madissoo, A. Diaz-Lopez, C. Krakstad, J. Trovik, E. Wik, D. Hapangama, L. Coenegrachts, A. Cano, A. Gil-Moreno, L. Chiva, J. Cueva, M. Vieito, E. Ortega, J. Mariscal, E. Colas, J. Castellvi, M. Cusido, X. Dolcet, H. W. Nijman, T. Bosse, J. A. Green, A. Romano, J. Reventos, R. Lopez-Lopez, H. B. Salvesen, F. Amant, X. Matias-Guiu, G. Moreno-Bueno, M. Abal and E. Consortium (2014). "Molecular profiling of circulating tumor cells links plasticity to the metastatic process in endometrial cancer." Mol Cancer 13: 223.


Engerud, H., I. L. Tangen, A. Berg, K. Kusonmano, M. K. Halle, A. M. Oyan, K. H. Kalland, I. Stefansson, J. Trovik, H. B. Salvesen and C. Krakstad (2014). "High level of HSF1 associates with aggressive endometrial carcinoma and suggests potential for HSP90 inhibitors." Br J Cancer 111(1): 78-84.


Haldorsen, I. S., I. Stefansson, R. Gruner, J. A. Husby, I. J. Magnussen, H. M. Werner, O. O. Salvesen, L. Bjorge, J. Trovik, T. Taxt, L. A. Akslen and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Increased microvascular proliferation is negatively correlated to tumour blood flow and is associated with unfavourable outcome in endometrial carcinomas." Br J Cancer 110(1): 107-114.


Halle, M. K., C. Krakstad, H. Engerud, B. Bertelsen and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Molecular profiling in fresh tissue with high tumor cell content promotes enrichment for aggressive adenocarcinomas in cervix." Pathol Res Pract 210(11): 774-778.


Haslene-Hox, H., A. Madani, K. C. Berg, K. Woie, H. B. Salvesen, H. Wiig and O. Tenstad (2014). "Quantification of the concentration gradient of biomarkers between ovarian carcinoma interstitial fluid and blood." BBA Clin 2: 18-23.

Herfindal, L., C. Krakstad, L. Myhren, H. Hagland, R. Kopperud, K. Teigen, F. Schwede, R. Kleppe and S. O. Doskeland (2014). "Introduction of aromatic ring-containing substituents in cyclic nucleotides is associated with inhibition of toxin uptake by the hepatocyte transporters OATP 1B1 and 1B3." PLoS One 9(4): e94926.


Hoivik, E. A., K. Kusonmano, M. K. Halle, A. Berg, E. Wik, H. M. Werner, K. Petersen, A. M. Oyan, K. H. Kalland, C. Krakstad, J. Trovik, M. Widschwendter and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Hypomethylation of the CTCFL/BORIS promoter and aberrant expression during endometrial cancer progression suggests a role as an Epi-driver gene." Oncotarget 5(4): 1052-1061.



Mackay, H. J., E. A. Eisenhauer, S. Kamel-Reid, M. Tsao, B. Clarke, K. Karakasis, H. M. Werner, J. Trovik, L. A. Akslen, H. B. Salvesen, D. Tu and A. M. Oza (2014). "Molecular determinants of outcome with mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition in endometrial cancer." Cancer 120(4): 603-610.


Mauland, K. K., E. Wik and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Clinical value of DNA content assessment in endometrial cancer." Cytometry B Clin Cytom 86(3): 154-163.

Mauland, K. K., E. Wik and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Clinical value of dna content assessment in endometrial cancer." Cytometry B Clin Cytom.


Ojesina, A. I., L. Lichtenstein, S. S. Freeman, C. S. Pedamallu, I. Imaz-Rosshandler, T. J. Pugh, A. D. Cherniack, L. Ambrogio, K. Cibulskis, B. Bertelsen, S. Romero-Cordoba, V. Trevino, K. Vazquez-Santillan, A. S. Guadarrama, A. A. Wright, M. W. Rosenberg, F. Duke, B. Kaplan, R. Wang, E. Nickerson, H. M. Walline, M. S. Lawrence, C. Stewart, S. L. Carter, A. McKenna, I. P. Rodriguez-Sanchez, M. Espinosa-Castilla, K. Woie, L. Bjorge, E. Wik, M. K. Halle, E. A. Hoivik, C. Krakstad, N. B. Gabino, G. S. Gomez-Macias, L. D. Valdez-Chapa, M. L. Garza-Rodriguez, G. Maytorena, J. Vazquez, C. Rodea, A. Cravioto, M. L. Cortes, H. Greulich, C. P. Crum, D. S. Neuberg, A. Hidalgo-Miranda, C. R. Escareno, L. A. Akslen, T. E. Carey, O. K. Vintermyr, S. B. Gabriel, H. A. Barrera-Saldana, J. Melendez-Zajgla, G. Getz, H. B. Salvesen and M. Meyerson (2014). "Landscape of genomic alterations in cervical carcinomas." Nature 506(7488): 371-375.


Tangen, I. L., C. Krakstad, M. K. Halle, H. M. Werner, A. M. Oyan, K. Kusonmano, K. Petersen, K. H. Kalland, L. A. Akslen, J. Trovik, A. Hurtado and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Switch in FOXA1 status associates with endometrial cancer progression." PLoS One 9(5): e98069.


Tangen, I. L., H. M. Werner, A. Berg, M. K. Halle, K. Kusonmano, J. Trovik, E. A. Hoivik, G. B. Mills, C. Krakstad and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Loss of progesterone receptor links to high proliferation and increases from primary to metastatic endometrial cancer lesions." Eur J Cancer 50(17): 3003-3010.


Trovik, J., H. B. Salvesen, T. Cuppens, F. Amant and A. C. Staff (2014). "Growth differentiation factor-15 as biomarker in uterine sarcomas." Int J Gynecol Cancer 24(2): 252-259.


Werner, H. M. and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Current status of molecular biomarkers in endometrial cancer." Curr Oncol Rep 16(9): 403.


Werner, H. M., J. Trovik, M. K. Halle, E. Wik, L. A. Akslen, E. Birkeland, T. Bredholt, I. L. Tangen, C. Krakstad and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Stathmin protein level, a potential predictive marker for taxane treatment response in endometrial cancer." PLoS One 9(2): e90141.


Wik, E., J. Trovik, K. Kusonmano, E. Birkeland, M. B. Raeder, I. Pashtan, E. A. Hoivik, C. Krakstad, H. M. Werner, F. Holst, S. Mjos, M. K. Halle, M. Mannelqvist, K. K. Mauland, A. M. Oyan, I. M. Stefansson, K. Petersen, R. Simon, A. D. Cherniack, M. Meyerson, K. H. Kalland, L. A. Akslen and H. B. Salvesen (2014). "Endometrial Carcinoma Recurrence Score (ECARS) validates to identify aggressive disease and associates with markers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and PI3K alterations." Gynecol Oncol 134(3): 599-606.