Faculty of Law

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Seminarer, kurs og konferanser for ph.d.-kandidater

Her legges invitasjoner til seminarer, kurs og konferanser som kan være aktuelle for ph.d.-kandidater ved Det juridiske fakultet.

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Fakultetet får ofte invitasjoner til kurs, seminarer og konferanser som kan være aktuelle for ph.d.-kandidater. Disse legges ut på denne siden.

Arrangementene som legges her er ikke kvalitetssikret eller garantert studiepoenggivende, og interesserte må selv ta kontakt med arrangører dersom de ønsker ytterligere informasjon. 


PhD-kurs: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change (GOV901)

Would you like to join a truly interdisciplinary course on the potential and limits of law as an instrument of social change? And how about taking part in an international conference in Bergen as part of the course, together with scholars and PhD-candidates from distinguished universities in the US, Canada, Brazil, Europe, South Africa, India and beyond? Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change (GOV901) offers all this - and more! The course combines digital and in-person activities and runs from 5-26 August 2024. The deadline for applications is 20 May. We look forward to seeing you in August!



PhD-kurs 6-7 juni 2024: Juridiske doktorgradsarbeid etter digitaliseringa av rettskjeldene

Digital Regulation (DigiReg) ved UiO inviterer alle stipendiatar i rettsvitskap i Norge til PhD-kurs 6. – 7. juni 2024 om juridiske doktorgradsarbeid etter digitaliseringa av rettskjeldene: Frå samling av empiri til kunstig intelligens i skriveprosessen og for analyse. På dette doktorgradskurset vil du få ein gjennomgang av forskingsdesign, utviklinga av forskingsmetodar over tid, og praktisk innføring i datastøttet forsking. Sjå https://www.jus.uio.no/ior/om/aktuelt/arrangementer/2024/phd-kurs-juridi... for meir info. Påmeldingsfrist: 23. mai


The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law, Stockholm University, extends an invitation to a research conference for doctoral candidates on the 18th – 19th of September 2024 at Christ Church College, Oxford.

This conference is part of the collaboration between the Nordic universities and is jointly organized with the Institute of European and Comparative Law (IECL), Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. The invitation is extended to doctoral candidates from Nordic universities whose research projects revolve around commercial law in a broad sense. Participants from this year's Oxford IECL Research Masterclass are also invited to the seminar.  

To see the invitation with additional information and programme, please contact karoline.aksnes@uib.no. Deadline for registration is 20 June 2024.


Call for applications for funding to participate at the European Society of International Law's Annual Conference in Vilnius in Lithuania from 5 to 6 September 2024, https://www.esil2024vilnius.lt/ <https://www.esil2024vilnius.lt/> . The topic for this year’s conference is “Technological change and international law”.

The Research Group on International Law at the Faculty of Law in Oslo has received funding from the Research Council of Norway to organize network-building activities concerning the relationship between international and national law. As part of these activities, we wish to contribute to the development of academic networks for Ph.D. candidates based at Norwegian universities, whose projects discuss international law (including public international law, human rights law, EU/EEA law, etc.) or the relationship between international and national law. To this effect, we will annually fund the participation of up to five Ph.D. candidates at ESIL's annual conferences. The selected applicants will participate together with an accompanying professor, who will introduce participants to relevant international scholars. Participants will be expected to engage in active discussions about the proceedings at the conference.

The funding will cover registration fees, travel and accommodation, up to 7,500 NOK.

To apply for funding, please fill in the form at https://nettskjema.no/a/402300 no later than 16 April 2024. You will be informed about the outcome no later than 30 April.


The Research Group also has funding to invite up to five Ph.D. candidates to visit the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court in the Hague on 19-20 June 2024. We have scheduled a meeting with ICJ judge Georg Nolte, and there will be a guided visit to the ICJ's premises. We are in the process of preparing an additional program, including a meeting in the ICC and hopefully with the Norwegian Embassy. The visit is organized in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and professor Geir Ulfstein (UiO) and legal advisor Jørgen Sørgard Skjold (MFA/UiO) will attend the trip with responsibility for the academic content.

The funding will cover travel and accommodation, up to max. 7,500 NOK.

If you wish to apply to join the visit, please fill in this form no later than 16 April 2024:  https://nettskjema.no/a/413104 Updates to the program will be posted in the form.



It is our pleasure to invite you to present your work at the upcoming SDG Conference 2024!

The sixth SDG Conference in Bergen will take place 7-9 February 2024 with the theme “The role of universities in transformative change” (see SDG Conference Bergen | University of Bergen (uib.no) for details). This digital conference provides new opportunities to present emerging and important research by motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers addressing the conference themes. We therefore invite all PhDs and postdoctoral researchers that are interested to present a digital videorecorded poster on your research and how it relates to the theme of the upcoming conference.

The deadline for submitting a two-minute videorecorded poster is 2 February, 2024.

For more information on details on how to record your contribution and practical information regarding submitting, please see attached pdf flyer with information or visit the call for posters website. Your videorecorded poster videos will be showcased in the conference platform and available for all digital participants to view.

Want to attend the conference? Register HERE!



Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researchers grant 

Under finner dere mer informasjon om Utrecht Nettverkets Young Researchers grant for 2024-25. Nettverket deler ut 20 stipend på 1200 € til MA eller PhD studenter som ønsker et forsknings-opphold på et av UN partneruniversitetene i minimum 4 uker i perioden 1. mai 2024 og 31. mars 2025. Dette er et stipend for studenter som ikke kan få Erasmus+ stipend. Fullstendig informasjon finnes her: Young Researchers Grants - Utrecht Network (utrecht-network.org)

MA/PhD-studentene fyller ut søknadsskjema og sender den med vedlegg til kristin.skogedal@uib.no innen 20. februar 2024.


Education 2030 and beyond: Addressing global challenges

PhD summer research school. Bergen, 3-13 June 2024

The theme of BSRS 2024 refers to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Quality in education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that all countries have committed to. However, education, and in particular, Higher Education, has the potential to guide transformations toward achieving all the goals.

The role of education is thus not only to address and implement the SDGs, but also to critically engage with the goals as well as crafting the content of the agenda beyond 2030. The students we educate today will shape policies and actions far beyond the present agenda. 

With this in mind, we offer six parallel courses next summer:   

Artificial intelligence in education   |   Democratic practices and sustainability   |   Equity and fairness in health   |   Stress and mental health in education   |   Creative innovations in higher education   |   STEM equity in higher education

Joint courseSystems thinking and creative problem-solving



Den 4-5 juni anordnas Nordiska konferensen i konstitutionell rätt i Uppsala. Särskilt kommer den svenska regeringsformens 50-årsjubileum att uppmärksammas genom inledningsanföranden av den svenska Högsta domstolens ordförande Anders Eka, professor emeritus Eivind Smith (Oslo) och professor Karin Åhman (Stockholm).

Konferensen kommer därutöver att ha panelsamtal på tre olika teman:

  • Konstitution, klimat och miljö
  • Olika typer av förvaltningsmodeller och deras inverkan på och utkrävande av politiskt och rättsligt ansvar
  • Yttrandefrihet och nationell säkerhet

Dessutom anordnas särskilda doktorandpaneler, vid vilka pågående avhandlingsprojekt (eller andra texter) kan diskuteras. Du inbjuds härmed att delta! Doktorandpanelerna äger rum separat och du riskerar inte att missa övriga delar av programmet. Ämnet ”konstitutionell rätt” förstår vi brett: det kan röra sig om institutionella spörsmål likaväl som frågor om mänskliga fri- och rättigheter eller annat, och metoderna kan vara såväl dogmatiska som teoretiska eller empiriska.

Konferensens språk är skandinaviska.

För mer information om konferensen som helhet, se https://www.jur.uu.se/samverkan/konferens-i-konstitutionell-ratt/. Arrangörerna står för måltider men inte för resa eller logi.