Geodynamics and Basin Studies

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Seismic imaging of fault and fault zones: insight through modelling for improved interpretation

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Project description
Fault and fault zones in the subsurface and at all scales are important features in any reservoir situations (oil/gas, CO2, water, geothermal, etc) because controlling flow behaviour. Imaging of these structures via seismic or other wavepropagation methods (e.g. georadar) is paramount, but images obtained at these zones are difficult to interprete due to lack of illumination and resolution. Even if faults and fault zones can be detected in seismic, mostly as zones of lateral discontinuities in the images, a more detailed and accurate interpretation is extremely difficult. The present project aims at systematically modelling various normal-fault structures, in an "insight-throughmodelling" approach, this based on conceptual models, field-based observations and/or analog models (plaster models; see link below).

Some structural situations which frequently occur in connection with deformation of sedimentary basins, at a variety of scales, and often around the limit of seismic resolution, will be evaluated. Synthetic cases can be scaled up/down and varied with respect to lithology/geometry/petrophysical properties and depth. A synthetic stratigraphy could be added to the examples for further sensitivity studies.

Various stages of fault development with fault propagation fold above the fault tip could also be studied, e.g., by varying fault dip, fault offset, scale (size of fold zone), fold tightness (how steep can the forelimb be to be imaged seismically), etc.

The interested candidates can contact the supervisors for more discussion and fine-tuning of the project based on their specific interests.


Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS):
To be decided with the candidate depending her/his background (geophysical or geological).
Seismic interpretation, structural geology, reservoir geophysics, seismic modelling, rock physics, reservoir modelling,
are among the topics to especially consider.

The proposed project targets students with both geophysical background and a strong interest in seismic interpretation and structural geology. The project could also suit students with a geological background and a strong interest in seismic, especially seismic interpretation.

The candidate may cooperate with another MSc candidate (geology) on a field-specific project announced in parallel by H. Fossen.

The candidate should be willing to learn using various software, especially to find the best strategy to build a suitable geomodel (2D/3D) to input to the seismic modelling.

External data
All the data is already available at UiB/GEO.