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Åpen forelesning

“We Came out into the Streets!”: Street Art and Street Performance as a Cultural Reaction to the 2020-2021 Belarusian Protests

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Illustrasjon hentet fra https://belsat.eu/ru/programs/iskusstvo-kak-natsionalnaya-terapiya-olga-yakubovskaya-svoimi-kartinkami-s-kotikami-lechit-lyudej/
Foto hentet fra: https://belsat.eu/ru/programs/iskusstvo-kak-natsionalnaya-terapiya-olga-yakubovskaya-svoimi-kartinkami-s-kotikami-lechit-lyudej/

Main content

I semesterets siste åpne forelesning får vi besøk av Olga Klimova fra the University of Pittsburgh.

Om temaet:

In this presentation, I focus on three types of protest culture – street wall art, protest posters, and street performances – to discuss the distinguishing characteristics of Belarusian protest culture of 2020-2021 such as its peaceful, non-homogeneous, de-centralized nature, with the active participants representing people of different social groups, professions, genders, age, and physical abilities, and its temporary state. I argue that, in the environment of intensified censorship and the threat of prosecution from the Lukashenko government, anonymous and non-anonymous street art and street performances have become one of the major outlets for political action for Belarusians.


The event is free and open to the public. Advance registration (required):



