Norwegian Language Courses at UiB
NOR-INTRO for exchange students

Chemistry student learning Norwegian

Lison Dubernet studies at the National Graduate School of Chemistry of Montpellier and is one of many UiB Norwegian course alumni.

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God dag, Jeg heter Lison, jeg er fransk, jeg er 22 år gammel og jeg studerer kjemi.

In the autumn 2020 Lison was an Erasmus student at UiB and attended NOR-INTRO, Short Introductory Course in Norwegian Language. We have asked her to tell us about her experience with the course NOR-INTRO. Lison has learned basic Norwegian, but prefers to continue in English. She came to Bergen to study, because she wanted to discover Norway and UiB offered interesting courses in her field of study, chemistry.

Why did you choose NOR-INTRO, Lison?
I chose NOR-INTRO because I was curious, and I wanted to learn the basics of Norwegian. I’m interested in learning new languages and I like to be able to practice the language in the country that I am in. 

Did the course meet you expectations?
I enjoyed the NOR-INTRO course and it matched my expectations! First, I was a bit surprised by the rapid pace of the course, but I soon got used to it. The semester is short, so I guess it was necessary to move fast in order to cover all the different topics. My teacher was really nice and helped me a lot.  

Any advice to new students?
If I were to give only one advice to new students, it would be to enjoy the course and the exchange experience!