GLASGOW: Let’s start the ocean data revolution in the Nordics!
Building partnerships for integrated nature-based solutions to climate change.
Main content
Blue Carbon is instrumental to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Directing the required projects and investments in the Blue Economy requires data, expertise and cross-sectoral partnerships. Solutions in the Nordic region have the potential to catalyze transferable, actionable partnerships for the benefit of the world’s blue ecosystems.
Moderator: Richard Sanders, Director, ICOS Ocean Thematic Center (Norway)
- Lovisa Bergman, Accenture (Sweden)
- Kikki Flesche Kleiven, Director, Bjerknes Center (Norway)
- Dorothee Bakker, University of East Anglia (UK)
Organizer: Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
- Accenture (Sweden)
- Bjerknes Center (Norway)
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