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Capacity Building in Higher Education

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

Main content

CBHE is a highly competitive call and requires that projects are highly relevant to the call document. To succeed the application must be very strong and meet the criteria for the consortium/partnership, include a detailed plan for activities and deliverables, as well as showing the potential for impact beyond the partnership, including through specific communication and dissemination activities.  

Calls are annual and there are only minor changes between different calls. Due to the requirements of the call, applicants are advised to start planning prior to the publication of the call. Based on experience from previous calls we propose the following timeline for the proposal development phase:

31 October
  • The Consortium is finalised
  • Partners agree on the main objectives
15 December
  • A draft Logical Framework Matrix is completed
  • Work Package Structure is completed, including the division of tasks
25 January
  • Budget has been drafted with Faculty project economist
  • First draft of the application is completed
8 February
  • Application deadline (to be confirmed)

Following each of these deadlines application advisers at the Division of Student and Academic Affairs may provide guidance and review the proposals (contact details below).  

Please note that you may apply for project development support from HK-dir:  
