University of Bergen

News archive for University of Bergen

This question is central to the research of the 2022 Holberg Prize winner, Sheila Jasanoff, who has a long-standing collaboration with University of Bergen researchers.
As a child, Silke Appel was taken on ski trips to Geilo with her family from Berlin. Today she is a research director and deputy head of the Broegelmann Research Laboratory in Bergen, thanks to financial support from the Trond Mohn Foundation.
Call for contributions is open for the first edition of the Bergen International Student Conference with the theme “Climate and Society: Transformations in the 21st century”. The conference is organized by CET and the UiB Collaboratory and takes place 5th and 6th of April 2018. We invite student contributions from students from all disciplines.
Prof. Kamal Mustafa and his research team from the Department of Clinical Dentistry were awarded the prize by BTO and Sparebanken Vest.
A new article published in Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (CERA) by Global Health Priorities researchers Frode Lindemark, Ole Frithjof Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson illustrates how information from published health economic evaluations can be used to measure lifetime QALYs, absolute and proportional shortfall of QALYs for eight different example diseases. Resource allocation... Read more
