News archive for Department of Psychosocial Science
The first joint article from the Pandemic Centre as a unit has now been published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Humans are the only species that uses symbols to express quantities, and researchers now want to find out why number systems vary so much between cultures.
Antarctic winters trigger psychological hibernation so people can cope with isolation and darkness.
Winner of the 2019 PROSE Awards by the Association of American Publishers in the subject category Engineering and Technology.
Andrea Bender combines psychology and anthropology to observe how our language and culture shape the way we perceive the world.

Realizing the potential of cultural diversity in the society and at the workplace
Members of the Bergen Bullying Research Group have investigated the impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work.
Up to this date, few studies have investigated the occurrence of sexual harassment in Norwegian working life. However, a new study from Bergen Bullying Research Group show that sexual harassment can be considered as a prevalent problem with serious consequences for those exposed.

Here are some preliminary results!
The Negative Acts Questionnaire has been validated in a new paper from Bergen Bullying Research Group members
In a recently published article, Brita Bjørkelo, Wenche Ryberg, Stig Berge Matthiesen and Ståle Einarsen present pioneering findings on the whistleblowing phenomenon.
"Jeg er jo ikke Jesus heller", er tittelen på ny bok om presters arbeidsmiljø og Kirken som arbeidsgiver og verdslig organisasjon.
- February 2022 (2)
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