Fjellets Kulturlandskap
Affiliated EECRG member Kari Hjelle (University Museum of Bergen) has recently published with Gunnar Austrheim (Trondheim), Per Sjögren (Tromsø), Kathrine Stene (Oslo) and Aud Mikkelsen Tretvik (Trondheim) a book that presents the results of the NFR project Dynamic Landscapes (DYLAN) that ran from 2009 to 2012

Main content
The book disucsses the results of ecological, palaeoecological, archaeological, historical, and biodiversity studies in DYLAN's four study areas
- Erdalen and Sunndalen in western Norway
- Grimsdalen in central Norway
- Budalen in central Norway
- Dividalen in northern Norway
The book is a wonderful demonstration of the value of combining modern ecological and long-term palaeoecological studies with historical and archaeological investigations to decipher the history and development of cultural landscapes in Norwegian mountain areas.
Kari Hjelle is a co-author of four of the nine chapters. Other EECRG associated members involved are Mons Kvamme and Brith Natlandsmyr. Congratulations to Kari, Mons, Brith, Gunnar Austrheim, and the other DYLAN member for producing this excellent book.