ERC Consolidator Grant
Proposals to the 2022 deadline are currently evaluated and the 2023 deadline is set to February 2nd 2023.

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The ERC Consolidator Grants will have one deadline per year in Horizon Europe.
What is an ERC Consolidator Grant?
For researchers of any nationality with over 7 and up to 12 years of experience since completion of PhD (or equivalent degree) and a scientific track record showing promising career trajectories. You should seek to extend and consolidate your existing research group through a project with a significant element of risk, but high potential gain.
The projects will normally run for 5 years with a maximum stipend of 2 million €.
PIs from outside of Europe who come to work here, solely because they have received an ERC can apply for up to 1.000.000 € start up funding. This is also possible if the project requires significant investment for an instrument, an infrastructure or major experimental and field work costs, excluding personnel costs.
Please tell your adviser about any possible plans for this early, as special financial rules are in place.
Please note that in order to produce the mandatory host support letter from UiB, we need the statement regarding Horizon2020 proposals signed by the applicant and the head of department as early as possible.
The proposal consists of two parts that have to be submitted together, plus online forms in the participant portal that need to be filled out.
Part B1 is evaluated by the chosen ERC expert panel and will contain a 5 page project synopsis written for a broader audience, a 2 page CV, a two page track record and a funding ID that shows all current projects and project applications (no page limit). Your references do also not count towards the page limit. We recommend to write this in a way that lets the panel understand what is new and groundbreaking about your idea, even though they might not be experts in your discipline.
Applicants that pass on to step 2 will be invited to an interview in Brussels. Your adviser can tell you which training offers we currently have at UiB.
Part B2 consists of a 14 page project description written for experts in the field. It also contains sections on Methodology. NB: The "Resources" -part where you should describe the size and nature of your team and how you will use the funding granted to you is no longer part of this document, it has to be completed in the online forms. Tell your adviser if you need help with this.
References do not count towards the page limit.
You can have a look at already granted projects on the ERC homepage.
Please note that you are expected to submit an Ethics assessment in the online forms if you intend to work with ethically sensitive issues. Please inform your adviser, so that we can help you to address the issues. Failure to do so can result in a temporary termination of funding from the ERC. Please do also consult the link about Open Access and the Open Research Data Pilot.