Hustoft, Merethe; Tran, Elisabeth; Olderbråten, alexandra
et al. (2023). A centre for interprofessional workplace learning including a student driven incubator as a catalyst for improving quality and innovation
. (external link)
Johannessen, Ane; Agdesteen, Gunhild; Brenna, Sissel Johansson
et al. (2019). New arenas for interprofessional work training in Western Norway. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Brenna, Sissel Johansson
et al. (2017). Student Interprofessional Workplace Learning and Payoff for Patient Safety within Nursing Home Learning. (external link)
Grimeland, Tiril; Baerheim, Anders; Østenstad, Bjørn Henning
et al. (2017). Law students in teams with health professional students. The experiences from students and nursing home staff. (external link)
Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Haugland, Mildrid; Holst, Lone
et al. (2013). TVEPS - Interprofessional training in nursing homes. (external link)
Holst, Lone; Baerheim, Anders; Haugland, Mildrid
et al. (2012). Interdisciplinary training in patient counselling. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Haugland, Mildrid
et al. (2012). Practical learning sits in my body. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Finset, Arnstein; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2005). Graduating medical students achieved level of clinical communication skills and its impact upon outcome. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Bærheim, Anders; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2004). Development of communication skills in medical school. A nation-wide study. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Aune, A; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in diagnosing frequent recurring cystitis in adult women. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Aune, A; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Traditional Chinese Medicine syndromes in women with frequently recurring cystitis. Frequencies of syndromes and symptoms. (external link)
Academic article
Baerheim, Anders; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen; Ness, Ingunn Johanne
(2022). Team reflexivity and the shared mind in interprofessional learning. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne
(2021). Reflexivity and expansive learning theory in interprofessional workplace learning. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Raaheim, Arild
(2021). Reflexivity in Interprofessional Workplace Learning. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne
(2020). Ricoeur’s triple mimesis and the zone of proximal development in the learning processes of interprofessional student teams. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Tyssen, Reidar; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2020). Have medical students’ attitudes towards clinical communication skills changed over a 12- year period? A comparative long-term study . (external link)
Lunde, Lene; Baerheim, Anders; Johannessen, Ane
et al. (2020). Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS). (external link)
Vik, Ingvild; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Bollestad, Marianne
et al. (2020). Predicting the use of antibiotics after initial symptomatic treatment of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection: Analyses performed after a randomised controlled trial. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Simon, Cornelia
(2020). Paul Celan - å oversette liv til dikt. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Raaheim, Arild
(2019). Pedagogical aspects of interprofessional
workplace learning: a case study. (external link)
Vik, Ingvild; Bollestad, Marianne; Grude, Nils
et al. (2018). Ibuprofen versus pivmecillinam for uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women-A double-blind, randomized non-inferiority trial. (external link)
Sharma, Satya P.; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf; Kvåle, Alice
et al. (2017). Predicting outcome in frozen shoulder (shoulder capsulitis) in presence of comorbidity as measured with subjective health complaints and neuroticism. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Finset, Arnstein; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2017). Do medical students and young physicians assess reliably their self-efficacy regarding communication skills? A prospective study from end of medical school until end of internship. (external link)
Hermann, Wolfram; Haarmann, Alexander; Baerheim, Anders
(2017). Patients’ attitudes toward copayments as a steering tool—results from a qualitative study in Norway and Germany.. (external link)
Hermann, Wolfram; Haarmann, Alexander; Baerheim, Anders
(2017). A sequential model for the structure of health care utilization.. (external link)
Andersen, Irene Aasen; Baerheim, Anders; Hovland, Gro
(2017). Lege- og sjukepleiestudentar sine opplevingar av tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i spesialisthelsetenesta: ein kvalitativ studie. (external link)
Thorsen, Olav; Hartveit, Miriam; Johannessen, Jan Olav
et al. (2016). Typologies in GPs' referral practice. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Baerheim, Anders; Birch, Stephen
(2016). Acupuncture points used in the prophylaxis against recurrent uncomplicated cystitis, patterns identified and their possible relationship to physiological measurements. (external link)
Sharma, Satya P.; Baerheim, Anders; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf
et al. (2016). Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder, treatment with corticosteroid, corticosteroid with distension or treatment-as-usual; A randomised controlled trial in primary care. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Grimstad, Hilde; Holen, Are
et al. (2015). Can we rely on simulated patients' satisfaction with their consultation for assessing medical students' communication skills? A cross-sectional study. (external link)
Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Holst, Lone; Haugland, Mildrid
et al. (2015). Interprofessional Workplace Learning in Primary Care: Students from Different Health Professions Work in Teams in Real-Life Settings. (external link)
Sharma, Satya P.; Baerheim, Anders; Kvåle, Alice
(2015). Passive range of motion in patients with adhesive shoulder capsulitis, an intertester reliability study over eight weeks. (external link)
Herrmann, Wolfram J.; Haarmann, Alexander; Baerheim, Anders
(2015). Arbeitsunfähigkeitsregelungen als Faktor für Inanspruchnahme ärztlicher Versorgung in Deutschland [Regulations of sickness certification as a factor for increased health care utilization in Germany]. (external link)
Vik, Ingvild; Bollestad, Marianne; Grude, Nils
et al. (2014). Ibuprofen versus mecillinam for uncomplicated cystitis - a randomized controlled trial study protocol. (external link)
Thorsen, Olav; Hartveit, Miriam; Baerheim, Anders
(2013). The consultants' role in the referring process with general practitioners: partners or adjudicators? a qualitative study. (external link)
Herrmann, Wolfram; Haarmann, Alexander; Flick, Uwe
et al. (2013). Patients' subjective concepts about primary healthcare utilisation: the study protocol of a quality comparative study between Norway and Germany. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per Jørgen Wiggen; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2013). A few more minutes make a difference? The relationship between content and length of GP consultations. (external link)
Wesnes, Stian Langeland; Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw; Baerheim, Anders
(2012). Career choice and place of graduation among physicians in Norway. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2012). Is the cross-over design suitable for evaluation of the effect of an educational internvention?. (external link)
Thorsen, Olav; Hartveit, Miriam; Baerheim, Anders
(2012). General practitioners’ reflections on referring: An asymmetric or non-dialogical process?. (external link)
Thue, Geir; Baerheim, Anders; Bjelkarøy, Wenche Iren
et al. (2010). Urindyppekultur i allmennpraksis. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2009). Do physicians improve their communication skills between finishing medical school and completing internship? A nationwide prospective observational cohort study. (external link)
Sharma, Satya P.; Kvåle, Alice; Baerheim, Anders
(2009). Outcome in shoulder capsulitis (frozen shoulder)treated with corticosteroid and corticosteroid with distension: a randomised pilot study. (external link)
Anvik, tor; Grimstad, Hilde; Baerheim, Anders
et al. (2008). Medical students' cognitive and affective attitudes towards learning and using communication skills - a nationwide cross-sectional study. (external link)
Halvorsen, Ivar; Meland, Eivind; Baerheim, Anders
(2007). Bruk av legevakt før og etter fastlegeordningen. (external link)
Espeland, Ansgar; Baerheim, Anders
(2007). General practitioners' views on radiology reports of plain radiography for back pain. (external link)
Jensen, Roar; Hystad, Torill; Kvåle, Alice
et al. (2007). Quantitative sensory testing of patients with long lasting Patellofemoral pain syndrome. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2007). Observed communication skills: how do they relate to the consultation content? A nation-wide study of graduate medical students seeing a standardized patient for a first-time consultation in a general practice setting. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2007). Observed communication skills: How do they relate to the consultation content? A nationwide study of graduate medical students seeing a standardized patient for a first-time consultation in a general practice setting. (external link)
Anvik, Tor; Gude, Tore; Grimstad, Hilde
et al. (2007). Assessing medical students' attitudes toward learning communication skills- which components of attitudes do we measure?. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per Jørgen Wiggen; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2007). Observed Communication Skills: How Do They Relate To The Consultation Content?A nation-wide study of graduate medical students seeing a standardized patient for afirst-time consultation in a general practice setting. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2007). Observed communication skills: How do they relate to the consultation content? A nation-wide study of graduate medical students seeing a standardized patient for a first-time consultation in a general practice setting. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Hjortdahl, Per; Hjortdal, Per
et al. (2007). Curriculum factors influencing knowledge of communication skills among medical students. (external link)
Jacobsen, Torild; Baerheim, Anders; Lepp, Margret
et al. (2006). Analysis of role-play in medical communication training using a theatrical device the fourth wall. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Hunskaar, Steinar
(2006). Jordstråler – et begrep uten vitenskapelig grunnlag. (external link)
Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Smith-Sivertsen, Tone; Baerheim, Anders
(2006). Bruk av skuespiller i undervisning av medisinstudenter. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Alræk, Torild Jacobsen
(2005). utilizing theatrical tools in consultation training. A way to facilitate students' reflection on action?. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Hjortdahl, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2005). Does change from a traditional to a new medical curriculum reduce negative attitudes among students? A quasi-experimental study. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Hjortdahl, Per; Anvik, Tore
et al. (2005). Does change from a traditional to a new medical curriculum reduce negative attitudes among students? A quasi-experimental study. (external link)
Alræk, Torild Jacobsen; Baerheim, Anders
(2005). Elements from theatre art as learning tools in medical education. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Alraek, Torild
(2005). Utilizing theatrical tools in consultation training. A way to facilitate students’ reflection on action?. (external link)
Katchman, Eugene A; Milo, Gai; Paul, M
et al. (2005). Three-day vs longer duration of antibiotic treatment for cystitis in women: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (external link)
Nielsen, Rune; Baerheim, Anders
(2005). Leger i såpeoperaen – en studie av Akutten. (external link)
Alraek, Torild J; Baerheim, Anders
(2005). Elements from theatre art as learning tools in medical education. (external link)
Nilsen, Stein; Baerheim, Anders
(2005). Feedback on video recorded consultations in medical teaching: why students loathe and love it - a focus-group based qualitative study. (external link)
Milo, Gai; Katchman, Eugene A; Paul, Mical
et al. (2005). Duration of antibacterial treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Bærheim, Anders; Baerheim, A
et al. (2005). Comparing self-reported communication skills of medical students in traditional and integrated curricula: A nationwide study. (external link)
Jensen, Roar; Hystad, Trine Cecilie; Bærheim, Anders
(2005). Knee function and pain related to psychological variables in patients with long-term patellofemoral pain syndrome. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Øren, J.N; Bjorvatn, Bjørn
et al. (2005). Tx-discs - no effect against subjective health complaints - A randomised controlled study. (external link)
Christiaens, Thierry; De Backer, David; Burgers, Jaco
et al. (2004). Guidelines, evidence, and cultural factors - Comparison of four European guidelines on uncomplicated cystitis. (external link)
Christiaens, Thierry; De Backer, David; Burgers, Jaco
et al. (2004). Guidelines, evidence, and cultural factors. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Thesen, Janecke
(2003). - Overraskende spennende og lærerikt! Studentenes evaluering av utplassering i allmennmedisin. (external link)
Espeland, Ansgar; Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Factors affecting general practitioners decisions about plain radiography for back pain: implications for classification of guideline barriers - a qualitative study. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Anvik, Tor; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2003). Undervisning i klinisk kommunikasjon for medisinstudenter i Norge. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, Øystein; Jureen, R
et al. (2003). Generalised symptoms in adult women with acute uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection: An observational study. (external link)
Jureen, R; Digranes, Asbjørn; Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Urinary tract pathogens in uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections in women in Norway. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Bærheim, Anders
(2003). The effect of prophylactic acupuncture treatment in women with recurrent cystitis:Kidney patients fare better. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Meland, Eivind
(2003). Medical students proposing questions for their own written final examination: evaluation of an educational project. (external link)
Christiaens, Thierry; Digranes, A; Bærheim, Anders
(2002). The relation between sale of antimicrobial drugs and antibiotic resistance in uropathogens in general practice. (external link)
Eskeland, Benedicte; Bærheim, Anders; Ulvik, Rune
et al. (2002). Influence of mild infections on iron status parameters in women of reproductive age. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Bærheim, Anders
(2002). "An empty and happy feeling in the bladder ...": health changes experienced by women after acupuncture treatment for recurrent cystitis. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Soedal, Liv Inger; Fagerheim, Siri U
et al. (2002). Acupuncture treatment in the prevention of uncomplicated recurrent lower urinary tract infections in adult women. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Bærheim, Anders
(2001). "An empty and happy feeling in the bladder...": health changes experienced by women after acupuncture treatment for recurrent cystitis. (external link)
Espeland, Ansgar; Bærheim, Anders; Albrektsen, Grethe
et al. (2001). Patients' views on importance and usefulness of plain radiography for low back pain. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2001). Empirical treatment of uncomplicated cystitis. Keep it simple. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Flottorp, Signe; Hunskår, Steinar
(2001). Antibiotikabehandling av hyppig cystitt hos kvinner. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Meland, Eivind
(2001). Hva om medisinstudenter lager oppgaver til egen eksamen?. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2001). The diagnostic process in general practice: has it a two-phase structure?. (external link)
Kittang, G; Melvær, T; Bærheim, Anders
(2001). Akupunktur kontra antiflogistika ved akutt lumbago. (external link)
Olsen, Bjørg Evjen; Hinderaker, Sven Gudmund; Lie, Rolv Terje
et al. (2000). The diagnosis of urinary tract infections among pregnant women in rural Tanzania; prevalences and correspondence between different diagnostic methods. (external link)
Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Bærheim, Anders; Sjursen Flatås, Anne
(2000). Behaviour modification group-treatment of children with recurrent lower urinary tract infections. (external link)
Schei, Edvin; Bærheim, Anders; Meland, Eivind
(2000). Klinisk kommunikasjon - et strukturert undervisningsoplegg. (external link)
Jensen, R; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Bi syndrome of the knee treated with acupuncture. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Meland, Eivind; Schei, Edvin
(2000). Konsultasjonsundervisning i medisinstudiet - studentenes evaluering. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Læring av praktiske ferdigheter i grunnutdannelsen. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Aune, A; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Traditional Chinese Medicine syndromes in women with frequently recurring cystitis. Frequencies of syndromes and symptoms. (external link)
Meland, Eivind; Schei, Edvin; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Pasientsentrert medisin - en oversikt med vekt på bakgrunn og dokumentasjon. (external link)
Lindstrøm, Torill Christine; Baerheim, Anders; Sjursen Flataas, Anne
(2000). Behaviour modification group-treatment of children With recurrent lower urinary tract infections. (external link)
Malterud, Kirsti; Bærheim, Anders
(1999). Peeing barbed wire. Symptom experiences in women with lower urinary tract infection. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, Asbjørn; Hunskaar, Steinar
(1999). Equal symptomatic outcome after antibacterial treatment of acute lower urinary tract infection and the acute urethral syndrome in adult women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, Asbjørn; Hunskaar, Steinar
(1999). Are resistance patterns in uropathogens published by microbiological laboratories valid for general practice. (external link)
Aune, Audun; Alræk, Terje; Huo, LiHua
et al. (1998). Kan akupunktur forebygge blærekatarr hos kvinner?. (external link)
Aune, Audun; Alræk, Terje; Huo, LiHua
et al. (1998). Acupuncture in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in adult women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Sandvik, Hogne
(1997). "Jordstråler" - et underjordisk fenomen?. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Hunskår, Steinar
(1996). Profylakse ved hyppig cystitt hos ellers friske kvinner. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Malterud, Kirsti
(1996). Simulated patients for practical examination of medical students. Intentions, procedures and experiences. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Malterud, Kirsti
(1995). Klinisk eksamen i allmennmedisin - en konsultasjon. Erfaringer etter førstegangseksamen i Bergen. (external link)
Hunskår, Steinar; Bærheim, Anders
(1995). Asymptomatisk bakteriuri hos gravide skal oppdagast, behandlast og kontrollerast. (external link)
Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Bærheim, Anders
(1994). Signs of subclinical eating disorders in teenage girls. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Larsen, E.; Digranes, A.
(1994). Vaginal application of lactobacilli in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in women. (external link)
Sandvik, H.; Bærheim, Anders
(1994). Beskytter hvitløk mot vampyrer? En eksperimentell studie. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Sandvik, H.
(1994). On the effect of ale, garlic, and soured cream on the appetite of leeches. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Larsen, E.; Digranes, A.
(1994). Vaginal application of lactobacilli in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Hunskår, Steinar
(1993). Urine sampling technique. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Lærum, E.
(1993). Symptomatic lower urinary tract infection induced by cooling of the feet. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Lærum, E.; Sulheim, O.
(1992). Factors provocing lower urinary tract infection in women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, A.; Hunskår, Steinar
(1992). Evaluation of urine sampling technique: bacterial contamination of samples from women students. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, A.; Hunskår, Steinar
(1992). Evaluation of urine sampling technique: bacterial contamination of samples from women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Lærum, E.
(1992). Symptomatic lower urinary tract infection induced by cooling of the feet. (external link)
Magerøy, Nils; Bærheim, Anders
(1991). Stikk av havmus (chimera monstrosa). (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, A.; Hunskår, Steinar
et al. (1991). Bacteriological findings in urine specimens from women. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, A.; Hunskår, Steinar
(1991). Bacteriological findings in urine specimen from women. Association with urinary tract symtoms and sampling methods. (external link)
Letter to the editor
Academic lecture
Baerheim, Anders; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Ness, Ingunn Johanne
(2019). Reflexivity in interprofessional workplace learning. (external link)
Raaheim, Arild; Ulvik, Marit; Helleve, Ingrid
et al. (2017). Together for better Learning. Transforming patterns of teaching and Learning through work placement for students. Results from four case studies.. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Grimeland, Tiril; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide
et al. (2017). Aligning interprofessional education with transforming health care?. (external link)
Sharma, Satya P.; Baerheim, Anders; Kvåle, Alice
(2015). Adhesive shoulder capsulitis: treatment with corticosteroid, corticosteroid with distenstion or wait and see; a randomized controlled trial in primary care. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders; Alræk, Torild Jacobsen
(2009). Effect of feedback on students’ mastering of communication skills. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Vaglum, Per; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2007). Does the internship period improve clinical communication skills. (external link)
Holen, Are; Anvik, Tor; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2007). Communication skills and job stress during medical internship. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Bærheim, Anders; Hjortdal, Per
et al. (2006). Change in communication skills over a two year post-graduate period?. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Hjortdal, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2006). Factors influencing knowledge of communication skills in medical school. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Anvik, Tor; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2006). Development of communication skills through medical school. (external link)
Bjelland, Anne Karen; Baerheim, Anders
(2006). "Alternativ medisin - duett". (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Hjortdahl, Per; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2005). Factors influencing knowledge of communication skills in medical school. (external link)
Gude, Tore; Bærheim, Anders; Anvik, Tor
et al. (2005). Development through curriculum in self-reported and end-point level of observed communication skills in Norwegian medical students. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Sødal, Liv Inger F; Fagerheim, Siri U
et al. (2002). Akupunktur i forebyggelsen av hyppig cystitt hos voksne kvinner. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Bærheim, Anders
(2002). The effect of prophylactic acupuncture treatment in women with recurrent cystitis; kidney-patients fare better. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Fosli, Liv Inger; Fagerheim, Siri Urnes
et al. (2001). Acupuncture treatment in the prevention of uncomplicated recurrent cystitis in women. (external link)
Espeland, Ansgar; Bærheim, Anders; Korsbrekke, Knut
et al. (2000). Pasienters syn på viktighet og nytte av rtg LS-columna. (external link)
Alræk, Terje; Bærheim, Anders
(2000). Subjective experiences following acupuncture treatment - expected or not?. (external link)
Aune, A; Alræk, Terje; Huo, Lihua
et al. (2000). Acupuncture prophylaxis in recurrent cystitis. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Meland, Eivind; Schei, Edvin
(2000). Patientcentrerad metod - undervisnings-former och metodutveckling.-II -Hvordan undervises det?. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hasle, Bente; Aase, Ingunn; Bengtsson, Rutt Venke
et al. (2018). Rapport: Videreføring av studieopplegget "Nettbasert TPS i Vest". (external link)
Hasle, Bente; Brenna, Sissel Johansson; Andersen, Irene Aasen
et al. (2017). Sluttrapport Pilot 1 - Nettbasert tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i UH-nett Vest. (external link)
Bjørke, Gerd; Andersen, Irene Aasen; Brenna, Sissel Johansson
et al. (2015). Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring I UH-nett Vest. Rapport frå TPS-abeidsgruppa. (external link)
Steinert, S.; Brekke, M.; Bentzen, N.
et al. (2001). Utdannelsesstillinger i allmennmedisin. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Digranes, A.; Innvik, R
et al. (1995). Hurtigtest versus dyrking av bakteriuri. Internrapport, oppdragsforskning fra a/s Organon. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
Reader opinion piece
Valestrand, Eivind Alexander; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Baerheim, Anders
et al. (2016). Mot en nasjonal delprøve i medisinstudiet. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2013). Is the cross-over design suitable for evaluation of the effect of an educational intervention?. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Studentundervisning. (external link)
Meland, Eivind; Bærheim, Anders
(2002). Pasientsentrert metoide ved funksjonelle lidelser. (external link)
Meland, Eivind; Bærheim, Anders
(2002). Pasientsentrert metode ved funksjonelle lidelser. (external link)
Gjelsvik, Bjørn E.; Fosse, Anette; Bærheim, Anders
(1999). NSAM's holdning til den norske nyfødtkohorten. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2012). Empirical treatment of uncomplicated cystitis. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2010). Når anbefalinger ikke samstemmer :. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2010). Limits of medical research - some considerations. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2007). Medisinsk profesjonalitet. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2007). Must undergraduate medical education be hospital-based?. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(2006). Doing research on medical education. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2006). Doing research on medical education. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Rortveit, G
(2002). Defining general practice: an open process gives challenging results. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders; Rørtveit, Guri
(2002). Defining General Practice an open process gives challenging postulates. (external link)
Espeland, Ansgar; Albrektsen, Grethe; Bærheim, Anders
et al. (2001). Don't duck the evidence. Response to editorial. (external link)
Popular scientific book
Academic literature review
Popular scientific article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Urinveisinfeksjon. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Feberkrampe hos barn. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Akutt bakteriell prostatitt. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Kronisk prostatitt. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2003). Smertefull og hyppig vannlating hos kvinner. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2002). Kvalme, svimmelhet og hikke. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(2001). Myten om blærekatarr som en "ubestemt" plage. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(1997). Akutt bakteriell prostatitt og kronisk prostatitt. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(1997). Urinveisinfeksjon. (external link)
Baerheim, Anders
(1997). Feberkrampe hos barn. (external link)
Bærheim, Anders
(1994). Prøvetaking hos voksne. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Book review
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.